MongoDB data source
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Enterprise Grafana Cloud

MongoDB data source

MongoDB is a distributed document database. The MongoDB data source plugin allows you to visualize data from MongoDB in Grafana.

The following documentation will help you get started working with MongoDB and Grafana:


The MongoDB data source has the following requirements:

Known limitations

Following are current known limitations:

  • Only find and aggregate read commands are supported.
  • Refer to Diagnostics for a list of currently supported diagnostics commands.
  • Regex flags g and s are not supported.

Get the most out of the MongoDB data source

After installing and configuring MongoDB you can:


Proxying requires Grafana v10.x and the feature toggle secureSocksDSProxy set to Enabled.

Always ensure that your plugin version is up-to-date so you have access to all current features. Navigate to Plugins and data > Plugins to check for updates.