Install Grafana Alloy
To install Alloy you must either use an existing token or create a token.
Did you know?
The token safeguards against unauthorized access, ensuring that only you can install Alloy on your Linux machine.
To install Alloy, complete the following steps:
In Grafana Cloud, in the 2. Install Alloy section, click Run Grafana Alloy.
Perform one of the following:
If you want to Then Create a new token 1. Click Create new token.
2. Enter a token name.
Make sure the token name is meaningful to you and something you'll remember. For example, prodUS.
3. Click Create token.
Note: You don't need to adjust the Scopes.Use an existing token 1. Click Use an existing token.
2. Enter a token you have created in the past.Tip
You don’t need to copy the token. The token is added to the install Grafana Alloy script that you copy in the next step.
In the Install and run Grafana Alloy section, click Copy to Clipboard.
Log in to the Linux machine and open the Terminal.
Paste the contents of the clipboard into the terminal and press Enter.
This command installs Grafana Alloy on the Linux machine. When the installation is complete, you’ll see
Alloy is now running!
To verify that Grafana Alloy is installed correctly, click Test Alloy connection.
If Grafana Alloy is installed correctly, you’ll see
Awesome! Grafana Alloy is good to go
.If Alloy is successfully installed, click Proceed to install integration.
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At this point in your journey, you can explore the following paths:
Monitor multiple Linux hosts with the grafana_agent role