Declare an incident from a firing alert

Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Grafana Cloud Open source

Declare incidents from firing alerts

Declare an incident from a firing alert to streamline your alert to incident workflow.

Before you begin

  • Ensure you have Grafana Incident installed
  • You must have a firing alert


To declare an incident from a firing alert, complete the following steps.

  1. Navigate to Alerts & Incidents -> Alerting -> Alert rules.

  2. From the Alert rules list view, click the firing alert that you want to declare an incident for.


    You can also access Declare Incident from the alert details page.

  3. Click Declare Incident. The Declare Incident pop-up opens in the Grafana Incident application.

  4. In the Declare Incident pop-up, enter what’s going on.

    Note: This field is pre-filled with the name of the alert rule, but you can edit it as required.

    The alert rule is also linked to the incident.

  5. Select a severity.

  6. Add labels, as required.

  7. Click More options to include a channel prefix and status.

  8. Click Declare Incident.

Next steps

View and track the incident in the Grafana Incident application.

For more information, refer to Grafana Incident documentation.