Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.
Variable examples
This page contains links to dashboards in Grafana Play with examples of template variables.
- Elasticsearch Metrics - Uses ad hoc filters, global variables, and a custom variable.
- Graphite Templated Nested - Uses query variables, chained query variables, an interval variable, and a repeated panel.
- Influx DB Group By Variable - Query variable, panel uses the variable results to group the metric data.
- InfluxDB Raw Query Template Var - Uses query variables, chained query variables, and an interval variable.
- InfluxDB Server Monitoring - Uses query variables, chained query variables, an interval variable, and an ad hoc filter.
- Prometheus templating - Uses chained query variables.
- Template Redux - Uses query variables, chained query variables, ad hoc filters, an interval variable, a text box variable, a custom variable, and a data source variable.
- Templating, repeated panels - Two sets of repeated panels use query variables.
- Templating showcase - Uses custom, query, chained query, and data source variables.
- Templating value groups - Uses query variable with value groups.