live-service-web-worker | This will use a webworker thread to processes events rather than the main thread |
queryOverLive | Use Grafana Live WebSocket to execute backend queries |
lokiLive | Support WebSocket streaming for loki (early prototype) |
storage | Configurable storage for dashboards, datasources, and resources |
newTraceViewHeader | Shows the new trace view header |
datasourceQueryMultiStatus | Introduce HTTP 207 Multi Status for api/ds/query |
traceToMetrics | Enable trace to metrics links |
prometheusWideSeries | Enable wide series responses in the Prometheus datasource |
canvasPanelNesting | Allow elements nesting |
scenes | Experimental framework to build interactive dashboards |
disableSecretsCompatibility | Disable duplicated secret storage in legacy tables |
logRequestsInstrumentedAsUnknown | Logs the path for requests that are instrumented as unknown |
redshiftAsyncQueryDataSupport | Enable async query data support for Redshift |
athenaAsyncQueryDataSupport | Enable async query data support for Athena |
showDashboardValidationWarnings | Show warnings when dashboards do not validate against the schema |
mysqlAnsiQuotes | Use double quotes to escape keyword in a MySQL query |
showTraceId | Show trace ids for requests |
authnService | Use new auth service to perform authentication |
alertingBacktesting | Rule backtesting API for alerting |
editPanelCSVDragAndDrop | Enables drag and drop for CSV and Excel files |
lokiQuerySplitting | Split large interval queries into subqueries with smaller time intervals |
lokiQuerySplittingConfig | Give users the option to configure split durations for Loki queries |
individualCookiePreferences | Support overriding cookie preferences per user |
onlyExternalOrgRoleSync | Prohibits a user from changing organization roles synced with external auth providers |
traceqlSearch | Enables the ‘TraceQL Search’ tab for the Tempo datasource which provides a UI to generate TraceQL queries |
prometheusMetricEncyclopedia | Replaces the Prometheus query builder metric select option with a paginated and filterable component |
timeSeriesTable | Enable time series table transformer & sparkline cell type |
prometheusResourceBrowserCache | Displays browser caching options in Prometheus data source configuration |
influxdbBackendMigration | Query InfluxDB InfluxQL without the proxy |
clientTokenRotation | Replaces the current in-request token rotation so that the client initiates the rotation |
disableSSEDataplane | Disables dataplane specific processing in server side expressions. |
alertStateHistoryLokiSecondary | Enable Grafana to write alert state history to an external Loki instance in addition to Grafana annotations. |
alertStateHistoryLokiPrimary | Enable a remote Loki instance as the primary source for state history reads. |
alertStateHistoryLokiOnly | Disable Grafana alerts from emitting annotations when a remote Loki instance is available. |
unifiedRequestLog | Writes error logs to the request logger |
pyroscopeFlameGraph | Changes flame graph to pyroscope one |
pluginsAPIManifestKey | Use API to retrieve the public manifest key |
opensearchDetectVersion | Enable version detection in OpenSearch |
alertingLokiRangeToInstant | Rewrites eligible loki range queries to instant queries |