Frontend Observability private Source Map uploads
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Frontend Observability private Source Map uploads

Available in public previewApplication observability
Release date: 2024-06-17

Introducing Grafana Cloud Frontend Observability private source map uploads. Frontend Observability in Grafana Cloud can use source maps to convert stack traces from JavaScript browser errors back into their original representation. That way, users can see the line of code that caused the issue.

Up until this point, source maps must have been available publicly available on the Internet so Grafana Cloud could fetch them. Many customers find this objectionable because they need to expose some of their IP.

With this new release, Frontend Observability now provides an option for users who want de-minified stack traces for errors while keeping their source map private. Simply include the newly released JavaScript bundler plugins into your build pipeline, input some configuration context provided by the Frontend Observability plugin app, and you will be able to see full error stack traces without needing source maps to be hosted publicly alongside the application bundle.