Configure Grafana Alloy on Windows

This is documentation for the next version of Alloy. For the latest stable release, go to the latest version.

Open source

Configure Grafana Alloy on Windows

To configure Alloy on Windows, perform the following steps:

  1. Edit the default configuration file at %PROGRAMFILES%\GrafanaLabs\Alloy\config.alloy.

  2. Restart the Alloy service:

    1. Open the Windows Services manager:

      1. Right click on the Start Menu and select Run.

      2. Type services.msc and click OK.

    2. Right click on the service called Alloy.

    3. Click on All Tasks > Restart.

Change command-line arguments

By default, the Alloy service will launch and pass the following arguments to the Alloy binary:

  • run
  • %PROGRAMFILES%\GrafanaLabs\Alloy\config.alloy
  • --storage.path=%PROGRAMDATA%\GrafanaLabs\Alloy\data

To change the set of command-line arguments passed to the Alloy binary, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Registry Editor:

    1. Right click on the Start Menu and select Run.

    2. Type regedit and click OK.

  2. Navigate to the key at the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GrafanaLabs\Alloy.

  3. Double-click on the value called Arguments*.

  4. In the dialog box, enter the arguments to pass to the Alloy binary. Make sure that each argument is on its own line.

  5. Restart the Alloy service:

    1. Open the Windows Services manager:

      1. Right click on the Start Menu and select Run.

      2. Type services.msc and click OK.

    2. Right click on the service called Alloy.

    3. Click on All Tasks > Restart.

Change environment variable values

The Go runtime provides several ways to modify the execution of a binary using environment variables.

To change the environment variables used by Alloy, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Registry Editor:

    1. Right click on the Start Menu and select Run.

    2. Type regedit and click OK.

  2. Navigate to the key at the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GrafanaLabs\Alloy.

  3. Double-click on the multi-string value called Environment*.

  4. In the dialog box, enter the environment variable values to pass to the Alloy binary. Make sure that each variable is on its own line.

  5. Restart the Alloy service:

    1. Open the Windows Services manager (services.msc):

      1. Right click on the Start Menu and select Run.

      2. Type services.msc and click OK.

    2. Right click on the service called Alloy.

    3. Click on All Tasks > Restart.

Expose the UI to other machines

By default, Alloy listens on the local network for its HTTP server. This prevents other machines on the network from being able to access the UI for debugging.

To expose the UI to other machines, complete the following steps:

  1. Follow Change command-line arguments to edit command line flags passed to Alloy.

  2. Add the following command line argument:


    Replace the following:

    • <LISTEN_ADDR>: An IP address which other machines on the network have access to. For example, the IP address of the machine Alloy is running on.

      To listen on all interfaces, replace <LISTEN_ADDR> with