Release notes for Grafana Agent Operator


Grafana Alloy is the new name for our distribution of the OTel collector. Grafana Agent has been deprecated and is in Long-Term Support (LTS) through October 31, 2025. Grafana Agent will reach an End-of-Life (EOL) on November 1, 2025. Read more about why we recommend migrating to Grafana Alloy.

Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Open source

Release notes for Grafana Agent Operator

The release notes provide information about deprecations and breaking changes in Grafana Agent static mode Kubernetes operator.

For a complete list of changes to Grafana Agent, with links to pull requests and related issues when available, refer to the Changelog.

Note: These release notes are specific to the Static mode Kubernetes Operator. Other release notes for the different Grafana Agent variants are contained on separate pages:


We’ve removed the deprecated symbolic links to /bin/agent* in Docker containers, as planned in v0.31. In case you’re setting a custom entrypoint, use the new binaries that are prefixed with /bin/grafana*.


Breaking change: binary names are now prefixed with grafana-

As first announced in v0.29, the grafana-operator release binary names is now prefixed with grafana-:

  • agent-operator is now grafana-agent-operator.

For the grafana/agent-operator Docker container, the entrypoint is now /bin/grafana-agent-operator. A symbolic link from /bin/agent-operator to the new binary has been added.

Symbolic links will be removed in v0.33. Custom entrypoints must be updated prior to v0.33 to use the new binaries before the symbolic links get removed.


Deprecation: binary names will be prefixed with grafana- in v0.31.0

The agent-operator binary name has been deprecated and will be renamed to grafana-agent-operator in the v0.31.0 release.

As part of this change, the Docker container for the v0.31.0 release will include symbolic links from the old binary names to the new binary names.

There is no action to take at this time.


Breaking change: Grafana Agent Operator supported Agent versions

The v0.24.0 release of Grafana Agent Operator can no longer deploy versions of Grafana Agent prior to v0.24.0.


Rename of Prometheus to Metrics (Breaking change)

As a part of the deprecation of “Prometheus,” all Operator CRDs and fields with “Prometheus” in the name have changed to “Metrics.”

This includes:

  • The PrometheusInstance CRD is now MetricsInstance (referenced by metricsinstances and not metrics-instances within ClusterRoles).
  • The Prometheus field of the GrafanaAgent resource is now Metrics
  • PrometheusExternalLabelName is now MetricsExternalLabelName

This is a hard breaking change, and all fields must change accordingly for the operator to continue working.

Note that old CRDs with the old hyphenated names must be deleted (kubectl delete crds/{grafana-agents,prometheus-instances}) for ClusterRoles to work correctly.

To do a zero-downtime upgrade of the Operator when there is a breaking change, refer to the new agentctl operator-detatch command: this will iterate through all of your objects and remove any OwnerReferences to a CRD, allowing you to delete your Operator CRDs or CRs.

Rename of CRD paths (Breaking change)

prometheus-instances and grafana-agents have been renamed to metricsinstances and grafanaagents respectively. This is to remain consistent with how Kubernetes names multi-word objects.

As a result, you will need to update your ClusterRoles to change the path of resources.

To do a zero-downtime upgrade of the Operator when there is a breaking change, refer to the new agentctl operator-detatch command: this will iterate through all of your objects and remove any OwnerReferences to a CRD, allowing you to delete your Operator CRDs or CRs.

Example old ClusterRole:

kind: ClusterRole
  name: grafana-agent-operator
- apiGroups: []
  - grafana-agents
  - prometheus-instances
  verbs: [get, list, watch]

Example new ClusterRole:

kind: ClusterRole
  name: grafana-agent-operator
- apiGroups: []
  - grafanaagents
  - metricsinstances
  verbs: [get, list, watch]