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How to implement multi-window, multi-burn-rate alerts with Grafana Cloud

How to implement multi-window, multi-burn-rate alerts with Grafana Cloud

2025-02-28 9 min

Andrew Dedesko is a backend software engineer with 13 years of experience. He became very interested in metrics and alerting after being woken up countless nights while on call. Outside of work, Andrew likes cycling, camping, making s’mores, and pancakes.

Adriano Mariani is a software engineer with three years of experience specializing in backend software development. Currently, Adriano is working at Kijiji on SEO-related initiatives. Before joining Kijiji, Adriano was a Computer Science student and interned at various companies focusing on full stack software development.

An observability strategy is essential when running any online service, and alerts are an important part of that strategy. And while it’s fairly straightforward to set up alerts, ensuring those alerts notify you about real problems, without lots of false alarms, can be tough. 

This blog post explains how to use Grafana Cloud to monitor a Google Cloud Run service, while following the alerting best practices — specifically, the use of multi-window, multi-burn-rate alerts — defined in Google’s Site Reliability Engineering Workbook. We’ll also explore how you can use Grafana SLO to streamline the creation of both alerts and service-level objectives.

An overview of multi-window, multi-burn-rate alerts

The Google SRE Workbook walks you through six different types of alerts. Each alert is an iteration of the previous, building progressively more robust alerts until, finally, you arrive at the multi-window, multi-burn-rate alert.   

While we recommend reading the SRE Workbook to learn more about these types of alerts, the summarized version is that they help you detect big problems quickly and small problems over a longer span of time, so you can more effectively filter out the noise. These alerts work by calculating an error percentage based on “bad” events and total events (e.g., failed HTTP requests vs. total HTTP requests), and also work well with SLOs.

The first part of setting up a multi-window, multi-burn-rate alert is defining an SLO. You use your SLO to configure the alert parameters that define the spans it monitors and the trigger thresholds. A common SLO is 99.9% availability over one month. The SRE Workbook has tables of parameters and other common SLO options.

Choosing a data source and metrics

Let’s pick a data source that supports PromQL, the powerful query language for Prometheus. It has excellent support for aggregating metrics over time, which is what you need to write effective alerts. You can achieve the same results using other query languages, but PromQL is a popular option, so there’s plenty of documentation and examples available for it.

Many time series databases support PromQL, including Grafana Mimir and Google Cloud Monitoring. Lots of cloud products and infrastructure services, including Google Cloud Run, also emit metrics out of the box that you can query with PromQL. Thanks to Grafana’s big tent approach, you can query metrics stored in an external TSDB without needing to duplicate or ingest metrics into another database or set up application performance monitoring agents.

To monitor availability (e.g., successful HTTP requests), counter metrics work well because you can easily aggregate them across instances and calculate changes and rates over time. Many application frameworks and infrastructure emit counters for HTTP requests by their response status codes. These are ideal for monitoring.

To monitor latency, we use histograms. Latency metrics are commonly emitted and stored in two ways: summaries and histograms.  Summaries are metrics like pre-computed percentiles, and histograms are sets of metrics that count samples in latency buckets. Percentiles tell you how long an operation takes, while histograms tell you how many times an operation completed in a certain time or less. From there, you can calculate the percentage of requests that met your threshold or did not. Percentiles cannot do this, which makes latency histograms well suited for multi-window, multi-burn-rate alerts. 

Unlike percentiles, histograms can also be easily aggregated, which is useful when your metrics come from many instances of a service. To learn more about histograms, check out this talk from Observability SRE Fred Moyer on YouTube.

Writing the alert

A multi-window, multi-burn-rate alert that monitors a web service with an SLO with a monthly 99.9% availability target looks like this:

  rate(request_count{status=”5xx”}[1h]) / rate(request_count[1h]) > (14.4 * 0.001)
  rate(request_count{status=”5xx”}[5m]) / rate(request_count[5m]) > (14.4 * 0.001)
  rate(request_count{status=”5xx”}[6h]) / rate(request_count[6h]) > (6 * 0.001)
  rate(request_count{status=”5xx”}[30m]) / rate(request_count[30m]) > (6 * 0.001)

Notice the alert is composed of four similar expressions. Each expression calculates the percentage of bad events over a span of time (1h, 5m, 6h, 30m) and compares the result against a threshold calculated by multiplying the burn rate (14.4, 6) by the error budget (0.1% which is 0.001).  

The first two expressions form the “high-burn-rate” alert. This alert detects big problems quickly (an incident must be consuming the error budget at a burn rate more than 14.4). The high alert expressions look at metrics over one hour and five minutes. The other two expressions form the “low-burn-rate” alert. This alert detects smaller problems by waiting longer before sounding the alarm. Substitute in your metrics and you’re pretty much ready to start monitoring.

An alert for latency with histograms looks very similar. Prometheus latency histograms tell you the number of requests that were completed in less than or equal to your target latency. Get the percentage of slow requests by subtracting the percentage of fast requests from 1:

1 - rate(request_latencies_bucket{le=”750”}) / rate(request_latencies_bucket{le=”+Inf”})

This example calculates the percentage of requests slower than 750 milliseconds. The le label means “less than or equal to” and the value is often a number of milliseconds.  The le=”+Inf” metric records the total number of requests because all requests are completed in less than infinity time.

The latency buckets are at the metric source (e.g., the application or infrastructure). If you need a very specific latency threshold, you’ll need to configure the buckets in the source. In this case, le=”750” was already configured and available to use.

A multi-window, multi-burn-rate alert for a web service with a monthly SLO of 99.9% of requests completed in 750ms or faster looks like:

  1 - rate(request_latencies_bucket{le=”750”}[1h]) / rate(request_latencies_bucket{le=”+Inf”}[1h]) > (14.4 * 0.001)
  1 - rate(request_latencies_bucket{le=”750”}[5m]) / rate(request_latencies_bucket{le=”+Inf”}[5m]) > (14.4 * 0.001)
  1 - rate(request_latencies_bucket{le=”750”}[6h]) / rate(request_latencies_bucket{le=”+Inf”}[6h]) > (6 * 0.001)
  1 - rate(request_latencies_bucket{le=”750”}[30m]) / rate(request_latencies_bucket{le=”+Inf”}[30m]) > (6 * 0.001)

Now, let’s create an alert in Grafana Cloud. We have a service hosted on Google Cloud Run, which emits metrics to Google Cloud Monitoring. We also have a Grafana Cloud setup connected to our Google Cloud project. We can query the metrics in Google Cloud right from Grafana and create alerts that use them. There are a couple of settings that depend on the data source you’re using.

Prometheus has a concept of range and instant queries. For a detailed explanation, see this blog post. For these alerts, we want instant queries (the result should be a single value). However, because the Google Cloud Monitoring data source for Grafana Cloud does not support instant PromQL queries, we can set a five-minute range and configure Max data points to 1. Later on, we’ll set up the Grafana reducer to take the last data point from each of the four queries.

A screenshot showing how to set a time range of five minutes.

Note: the time range in the Grafana UI doesn’t affect the span of time your PromQL query aggregates data. For example, with a time range of five minutes, you can still query six hours of data with PromQL: rate(request_count[6h]). You want to keep the time range in the UI to something small because you only want the last data point. A longer time range performs more queries, which are ultimately discarded.

Another thing to note is that, when using a data source that is not Prometheus, you may not be able to use data source-managed alert rules, so we use Grafana-managed alert rules instead. When using Grafana-managed alerts we need to break our alerts down into smaller expressions. Grafana evaluates alerts by executing the queries, reducing the results, then evaluating the results against conditions. This means you cannot combine thresholds and expressions together like you can with Prometheus. 

Below, we show what a Grafana-managed, multi-window, multi-burn-rate alert looks like. This is a single alert shown in multiple screenshots because it’s too big to show in a single image. The alert has four queries: one for each window, and one expression that brings all four queries together and sets thresholds.

First, are the high-burn queries:

A screenshot of a high burn, long window alert.
A screenshot of a high burn, short window alert.

Next are the low-burn queries:

A screenshot of a low burn, long window alert.
A screenshot of a low burn, short window alert.

Finally, there’s the alert expression that brings all four queries together:

A screenshot of the alert expression.

Note the four queries calculate the error percentage of the service over different spans of time, while the Classic condition node reduces the four range queries and compares their results against the configured thresholds. Remember: the high and low burn rate thresholds are calculated by multiplying the burn rate by the error budget (like in the PromQL examples above).

The two high-burn queries are evaluated against their thresholds and when both have exceeded their threshold (the boolean AND), the high-burn, multi-window alert fires. The same thing happens for the low-burn queries: they’re evaluated against their thresholds and when both (the boolean AND) have exceeded theirs, the low-burn, multi-window alert fires. The high and low multi-window alerts are combined together with the boolean OR to create the multi-window, multi-burn-rate alert.

There you have it! We created a multi-window, multi-burn-rate alert in Grafana Cloud using external data sources.

Implementing at scale

As you can see, there are a lot of repeated expressions in a single alert and maintaining a set of alerts can quickly become unmanageable. Alert templates are a method we use to easily and consistently define alerts. 

Alert templates are reusable template files that define all of the boilerplate code required to create an alert in Grafana Cloud. We use Terraform to provision our alerts. When a developer wants to create a new alert, they create a yaml file that defines only the most important parts of the alert. When the yaml file is pushed to GitHub, a workflow runs to convert the yaml file into Terraform code using the specified template in the yaml file. 

Here is an example of an alert template for a latency alert:

template: cloud_run_alert
service_name: hello-world
folder_uid: grafana_folder.my_folder.uid
slow_request_percentage: 0.01
slow_request_latency_milliseconds: 500
error_percentage: 0.001
severity: Critical
pending_period: 10m

Our templating system uses a bash script and the sed utility to replace placeholders in the template files and write out Terraform configuration files that can be applied to our infrastructure.

This is much less repetitive and easier to read and manage. Grafana Cloud also provides APIs to manage alerts, which you can use with your own templating system.

Closing thoughts

Multi-window, multi-burn-rate alerts are a powerful approach to system monitoring. Combined with Grafana Cloud, you can take advantage of these alerts with metrics you already have.

If your metrics are already in a Grafana Mimir data source, or you’re doing research for a new project, take a look at Grafana SLO, a Grafana Cloud feature that makes it easy to set up SLOs and alerts for services, and comes with additional features like SLO dashboards.