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Celebrating 5 Years of Grafana Labs Around the World

Celebrating 5 Years of Grafana Labs Around the World

2019-10-23 1 min

Grafana Labs turned 5 on Oct. 4. And as a remote-first company, we decided it would be a great excuse to give our team members, who are scattered across 22 different countries, a chance to take their conversations off Slack and celebrate together in person.

In London, Berlin, Stockholm, New York City, and Bangalore, Grafana Labs engineers, sales teams, solutions staff, HR, and marketing – everyone! – gathered to meet and mingle, to reconnect and reminisce.

In New York, team members walked from Grafana Labs’ downtown Manhattan office across the Brooklyn Bridge to a shuffleboard club in Brooklyn. There were board games (and an escape room, movie, laser tag, GoKarting, bowling, and air hockey too!) in Bangalore, bowling in Stockholm, and an escape room in London. The Berlin contingent extended the celebration with Sunday brunch after the birthday dinner.

Check out these photos from our birthday parties:

Grafana Labs Parties
Grafana Labs Parties

Here’s to many more years of Grafana Labs!

Grafana Cloud
ObservabilityCON on the Road: Chicago (Mar 11)

See demos of new Grafana Cloud observability workflows, hear community success stories, and leave with what you need to advance your observability roadmap.