Spark Queries for Structured Streaming

Just plotting of all metrics, produced by enabled Prometheus output of Spark Structured Streaming jobs

Spark Queries for Structured Streaming screenshot 1

To prometheus.yaml add

lowercaseOutputName: true attrNameSnakeCase: true rules:

These come from the application driver if it’s a streaming application

Example: default/

  • pattern: metrics<name=(\S+).(\S+).driver.(\S+).StreamingMetrics.streaming.(\S+)><>Value name: spark_streaming_driver_$4 type: GAUGE labels: app_namespace: “$1” app_id: “$2”

These come from the application driver if it’s a structured streaming application

Example: default/sstreaming.driver.spark.streaming.QueryName.inputRate-total

  • pattern: metrics<name=(\S+).(\S+).driver.spark.streaming.(\S+).(\S+)><>Value name: spark_structured_streaming_driver_$4 type: GAUGE labels: app_namespace: “$1” app_id: “$2” query_name: “$3”

These come from the application driver if it’s a streaming application


  • pattern: “metrics<name=(.)\.driver\.(.)\.StreamingMetrics\.streaming\.(.*)><>Value” name: spark_driver_streaming_$3 type: GAUGE labels: app_id: “$1” app_name: “$2”

These come from the application driver if it’s a structured streaming application

Example: app-20160809000059-0000.driver.spark.streaming.QueryName.inputRate-total

  • pattern: “metrics<name=(.)\.driver\.spark\.streaming\.(.)\.(.*)><>Value” name: spark_driver_structured_streaming_$3_$2 type: GAUGE labels: app_id: “$1” query_name: “$2”

These come from the application executors

Example: default/spark-pi.0.executor.threadpool.activeTasks

  • pattern: metrics<name=(\S+).(\S+).(\S+).executor.(\S+)><>Value name: spark_executor_$4 type: GAUGE labels: app_namespace: “$1” app_id: “$2” executor_id: “$3”

These come from the application driver

Example: default/spark-pi.driver.DAGScheduler.stage.failedStages

  • pattern: metrics<name=(\S+).(\S+).driver.(BlockManager|DAGScheduler|jvm).(\S+)><>Value name: spark_driver_$3_$4 type: GAUGE labels: app_namespace: “$1” app_id: “$2”

These come from the application driver

Emulate timers for DAGScheduler like messagePRocessingTime

  • pattern: metrics<name=(\S+).(\S+).driver.DAGScheduler.(.*)><>Count name: spark_driver_DAGScheduler_$3_count type: COUNTER labels: app_namespace: “$1” app_id: “$2”

HiveExternalCatalog is of type counter

  • pattern: metrics<name=(\S+).(\S+).driver.HiveExternalCatalog.(.*)><>Count name: spark_driver_HiveExternalCatalog_$3_count type: COUNTER labels: app_namespace: “$1” app_id: “$2”

These come from the application driver

Emulate histograms for CodeGenerator

  • pattern: metrics<name=(\S+).(\S+).driver.CodeGenerator.(.*)><>Count name: spark_driver_CodeGenerator_$3_count type: COUNTER labels: app_namespace: “$1” app_id: “$2”

These come from the application driver

Emulate timer (keep only count attribute) plus counters for LiveListenerBus

  • pattern: metrics<name=(\S+).(\S+).driver.LiveListenerBus.(.*)><>Count name: spark_driver_LiveListenerBus_$3_count type: COUNTER labels: app_namespace: “$1” app_id: “$2”

Get Gauge type metrics for LiveListenerBus

  • pattern: metrics<name=(\S+).(\S+).driver.LiveListenerBus.(.*)><>Value name: spark_driver_LiveListenerBus_$3 type: GAUGE labels: app_namespace: “$1” app_id: “$2”

Executors counters

  • pattern: metrics<name=(\S+).(\S+).(.).executor.(.)><>Count name: spark_executor_$4_count type: COUNTER labels: app_namespace: “$1” app_id: “$2” executor_id: “$3”

These come from the application executors

Example: app-20160809000059-0000.0.jvm.threadpool.activeTasks

  • pattern: metrics<name=(\S+).(\S+).([0-9]+).(jvm|NettyBlockTransfer).(.*)><>Value name: spark_executor_$4_$5 type: GAUGE labels: app_namespace: “$1” app_id: “$2” executor_id: “$3”
  • pattern: metrics<name=(\S+).(\S+).([0-9]+).HiveExternalCatalog.(.*)><>Count name: spark_executor_HiveExternalCatalog_$4_count type: COUNTER labels: app_namespace: “$1” app_id: “$2” executor_id: “$3”

These come from the application driver

Emulate histograms for CodeGenerator

  • pattern: metrics<name=(\S+).(\S+).([0-9]+).CodeGenerator.(.*)><>Count name: spark_executor_CodeGenerator_$4_count type: COUNTER labels: app_namespace: “$1” app_id: “$2” executor_id: “$3”
Apache Spark

Apache Spark

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