Polkadot Essentials 2021

Server and Substrate chain main metrics, suitable for a node monitoring in 2021 - Tutorial: https://medium.com/bld-nodes/monitoring-substrate-node-polkadot-kusama-parachains-validator-guide-922734ea4cdb

Polkadot Essentials 2021 screenshot 1
Polkadot Essentials 2021 screenshot 2

EDIT 2023: this dashboard is becoming outdated and is not maintained anymore, it is strongly recommended to switch to the latest dashobard here: https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/16863-polkadot-and-parachains-full-monitoring/

Full tutorial available here: https://medium.com/bld-nodes/monitoring-substrate-node-polkadot-kusama-parachains-validator-guide-922734ea4cdb

The variables will depend on your configuration, make sure you well select ’localhost:9615’ in Chain Instance Host, then save the dashboard.

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