Plan your GrafanaCON 2025 experience
Dive into the hallway track
9:00 AM
180 mins
Norcliffe Room
Grafana as code: Build and deploy your dashboards at scale
- Kévin Gomez
Staff Software Engineer
Grafana Labs
- Tom Glenn
Senior Developer Advocate
Grafana Labs
9:00 AM
180 mins
Allen Foundation Room
Best practices to level up your Grafana dashboarding skills
- Leon Sorokin
Principal Software Engineer
Grafana Labs
- Usman Ahmad
Senior Developer Advocate
Grafana Labs
1:00 PM
180 mins
Norcliffe Room
Building OpenTelemetry and Prometheus native telemetry pipelines with Grafana Alloy
- Mischa Thompson
Senior Software Engineer
Grafana Labs
- Lisa Jung Staff Developer Advocate
Grafana Labs
1:00 PM
180 mins
Allen Foundation Room
Bridge the gap to your data: Create a custom data source for Grafana
- David Harris
Group Product Manager
Grafana Labs
- Sarah Zinger
Staff Software Engineer
Grafana Labs
- Tom Glenn
Senior Developer Advocate
Grafana Labs
8:00 AM
60 mins
Promenade Lobby (Ground floor) & Grand Lobby (First floor)
Registration & breakfast
8:00 AM
45 mins
Norcliffe Room
Women & gender minorities
8:00 AM
45 mins
Allen Foundation Room
Grafana Champions & community organizers
9:00 AM
60 mins
Main Stage
Opening keynote
- Carl Bergquist
Principal Software Engineer
Grafana Labs
- Mihaela Maior
Director of Engineering
Grafana Labs
- Richard "RichiH" Hartmann
Office of the CTO
Grafana Labs
- Raj Dutt
CEO, Co-Founder
Grafana Labs
- Torkel Ödegaard
CGO, Co-Founder
Grafana Labs
10:00 AM
30 mins
Main Stage
You can do what with Grafana? Highlights from our Grafana Labs hackathons
- Bogdan Matei
Staff Software Engineer
Grafana Labs
- Kostas Pelelis
Software Engineer Grafana Labs
- Domas Lapinskas
Senior Software Engineer
Grafana Labs
- Ivana Huckova
Senior Software Engineer
Grafana Labs
- Sven Großmann
Staff Software Engineer
Grafana Labs
- Gianni Baiardi
Staff Product Designer
Grafana Labs
- Stephanie Hingtgen
Senior Software Engineer
Grafana Labs
10:30 AM
30 mins
Go explore!
11:00 AM
30 mins
Main Stage
We can’t spoil all the surprises.
11:30 AM
30 mins
Main Stage
Loki at Dropbox: Strategies for reliable petabyte-scale logging
- Chris Hodges
Infrastructure Software Engineer
12:00 PM
30 mins
Main Stage
7 features to get more out of Loki with Logs Drilldown in Grafana
- Trevor Whitney
Staff Software Engineer
Grafana Labs
- Matias Wenceslao Chomicki
Staff Engineer
Grafana Labs
12:30 PM
60 mins
Promenade Lobby (Ground floor) & Grand Lobby (First floor)
1:30 PM
30 mins
Main Stage
Did the apple fall far from the tree? Monitoring an off-grid family orchard
- Arthur Kepler
Principal DevOps Engineer
2:00 PM
30 mins
Main Stage
Prometheus 3.0: Everything you need to know
- Carrie Edwards
Staff Software Engineer
Grafana Labs
- Jan Fajerski
Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat
2:30 PM
30 mins
Main Stage
Mimir 3.0 preview: Major improvements to stability, performance, cost, and scalability
- David Grant
Software Engineer
Grafana Labs
- Jonathan Halterman
Principal Engineer
Grafana Labs
3:00 PM
10 mins
Main Stage
Easier and faster exploration of complex metrics with Metrics Drilldown in Grafana
- Brendan O'Handley
Senior Software Engineer
Grafana Labs
3:10 PM
20 mins
Main Stage
Golden Grot Awards ceremony
3:30 PM
30 mins
Go explore!
4:00 PM
30 mins
Main Stage
How Grafana helps passenger satisfaction take flight at Schiphol Airport
- Gerard van Engelen
Platform Engineer
4:30 PM
30 mins
Main Stage
Easy homelab observability with Grafana Beyla, powered by eBPF and OpenTelemetry
- Nikola Grcevski
Principal Software Engineer
Grafana Labs
- Goutham Veeramachaneni
Product Manager
Grafana Labs
5:00 PM
15 mins
Main Stage
Circumnavigation or bust: The OSS data stack powering a droneship’s journey around the world
- Andrew McCalip
Head of Research And Development
Varda Space Industries
5:15 PM
45 mins
Main Stage
Confessions of a serial tinkerer: Homelabs gone wild, secret Raspberry Pi stashes, and more
- Andrew McCalip
Head of Research And Development
Varda Space Industries
- Ivana Huckova
Senior Software Engineer
Grafana Labs
- Brad Fitzpatrick
Chief Engineer
6:30 PM
210 mins
Museum of Pop Culture
All-attendee party
8:00 AM
60 mins
Promenade Lobby (Ground floor) & Grand Lobby (First floor)
Registration & breakfast
8:00 AM
45 mins
Norcliffe Room
Grafana & OpenTelemetry
8:00 AM
45 mins
Allen Foundation Room
Databases (Tempo, Pyroscope, Mimir, Loki)
9:00 AM
90 mins
Main Stage
Grafana 12 deep dive
- Mitch Seaman
Director of Product
Grafana Labs
- Mihaela Maior
Director of Engineering
Grafana Labs
10:30 AM
30 mins
Go explore!
11:00 AM
30 mins
Main Stage
k6 1.0: How this long-awaited major release makes it easier to get started with testing
- Théo Crevon
Senior Software Engineer
Grafana Labs
- Ayush Goyal
Senior Software Engineer
Grafana Labs
11:30 AM
30 mins
Main Stage
Grafana Alloy: combining the OpenTelemetry Collector with a high-performance Prometheus pipeline
- Johanna Öjeling
Senior Software Engineer
Grafana Labs
- Ted Young
Developer Programs Director
Grafana Labs
12:00 PM
30 mins
Main Stage
Without a trace (query): Troubleshooting simplified with Tempo and Traces Drilldown in Grafana
- Andrew Stucky
Senior Engineering Manager
Grafana Labs
- Alex Simion
Senior Software Engineer
12:30 PM
60 mins
Promenade Lobby (Ground floor) & Grand Lobby (First floor)
1:30 PM
30 mins
Main Stage
Agent-driven Grafana: Going beyond AI chat interactions
- Yasir Ekinci
Principal Engineer
Grafana Labs
2:00 PM
30 mins
Main Stage
Deep dive into the InfluxDB 3 Core open source release
- Paul Dix
Cofounder and CTO
2:30 PM
30 mins
Main Stage
Why you should care about continuous profiling and how to get started with Profiles Drilldown in Grafana
- Ryan Perry
Principal Product Manager
Grafana Labs
3:00 PM
10 mins
Main Stage
K8s Dungeon Crawl: When observability meets adventure
- Kim Schaefer Cloud Native Enthusiast
3:10 PM
10 mins
Main Stage
My laundry dashboard and other absurdly unconventional use cases for Grafana
- Dakota Roth Student
3:20 PM
10 mins
Main Stage
Hungry for data: Monitoring carnivorous plants with Grafana, Prometheus, and Loki
- Jay Clifford
Senior Developer Advocate
Grafana Labs
3:30 PM
30 mins
Go explore!
4:00 PM
30 mins
Main Stage
Monitoring EA App’s 200+ core error metrics with a scalable, color-coded Grafana dashboard
- Kenny Chen
Software Developer II
Electronic Arts
4:30 PM
10 mins
Main Stage
Troubleshooting issues in remote corners of Alaska’s electric grid with Grafana
- Jess Russell
Network and Security Systems Specialist
Homer Electric Association, Inc
4:40 PM
10 mins
Main Stage
Bringing situational awareness to observability with Grafana and Prometheus
- Christoph Roedig
Manager, Production Systems
Orange Barrel Media
4:50 PM
10 mins
Main Stage
Radio Grafana: Mapping planes and ships using data from radio receivers
- Mateusz Kulewicz
Software Engineer
5:00 PM
30 mins
Main Stage
Air-gapped observability at the edge: Monitoring distributed infrastructures with Grafana
- Ruslan Dautov
Senior Site Reliability Engineer
5:30 PM
10 mins
Main Stage
3 data source plugins to add to your stack after this talk
- Sarah Zinger
Staff Software Engineer
Grafana Labs
5:40 PM
10 mins
Main Stage
Advancing security and innovation: Microsoft’s open source contributions to Grafana
- John Naizer
Software Engineer
5:50 PM
15 mins
Main Stage
Closing talk
- Tom Wilkie
Chief Technology Officer
Grafana Labs