That’s a wrap on GrafanaCON 2023!
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- 07:00 PDT,
16:00 CEST,
14:00 UTC
Opening Keynote
Join us for the official kickoff of GrafanaCON 2023, streaming live from Stockholm, the birthplace of Grafana.
- Raj Dutt, CEO, Co-Founder - Grafana Labs
- Torkel Ödegaard, CGO, Co-Founder - Grafana Labs
- Mihaela Maior, Director of Engineering - Grafana Labs
- Anthony Woods, Co-Founder - Grafana Labs
- 08:15 PDT,
17:15 CEST,
15:15 UTC
Using Grafana to track satellites with the Libre Space Foundation
Find out how Grafana dashboards help research and academic teams identify and track their satellites and make use of the data collected.
- Patrick Dohmen, Core Contributor - Libre Space Foundation
- 08:45 PDT,
17:45 CEST,
15:45 UTC
How Loki's new TSDB index and Grafana come together to improve performance and lower costs
Find out about the latest improvements to Loki's TSDB index and to how Loki queries are rendered in Grafana.
- Kaviraj Kanagaraj, Software Engineer - Grafana Labs
- Travis Patterson, Principal Software Engineer - Grafana Labs
- 09:15 PDT,
18:15 CEST,
16:15 UTC
Transforming IT and business flows at DHL Express with Grafana, k6, and Prometheus
Traditional IT and business support was cumbersome, disparate, and reactive, with high associated costs. Learn how DHL Express Switzerland turned that around.
- Djamel Djedid, Head of Application Development & Integration - DHL Express Switzerland
- Michael Lerch, Lead Architect - DHL Express Switzerland
- 09:45 PDT,
18:45 CEST,
16:45 UTC
Homelab hacking: Grafana on an LED matrix display
Love your Grafana data? Think it would look even better on an esp32-powered LED matrix display? You've come to the right place.
- Ed Welch, Principal Software Engineer - Grafana Labs
- Kristina Durivage, Senior Software Engineer - Grafana Labs
- 10:15 PDT,
19:15 CEST,
17:15 UTC
Reducing data center energy usage with Grafana: A green IT success story
Learn how Sentry Software used Grafana and OpenTelemetry to analyze its energy footprint, and how to apply them to achieve your org's own sustainability goals.
- Bertrand Martin, CEO - Sentry Software
- 11:00 PDT,
20:00 CEST,
18:00 UTC
Continuous profiling with Grafana Pyroscope: developer experience, flame graphs, and more
Learn about the new Grafana Pyroscope open source project and how continuous profiling can improve developer experience.
- Christian Simon, Principal Software Engineer - Grafana Labs
- Ryan Perry, Principal Product Manager - Grafana Labs
- Dmitry Filimonov, Principal Engineer - Grafana Labs
- 11:30 PDT,
20:30 CEST,
18:30 UTC
Monitoring a fleet of IoT farms with Grafana Cloud
Learn how the indoor farming company tracks distributed agricultural systems with Grafana dashboards, Terraform, AWS Lambda, and AWS Timestream.
- Amandeep Ratte, Head of Data Science - a multinational AgTech company
- 12:00 PDT,
21:00 CEST,
19:00 UTC
Creating a high-performance data culture with Grafana
Explore how people interact with data, the curiosity it generates, and how that natural curiosity can set the stage for a high-performance culture.
- Stephanie Closson, Solutions Engineer - Grafana Labs
- 12:30 PDT,
21:30 CEST,
19:30 UTC
Expanding Grafana's big tent with Grafana Agent
Learn about Agent Flow, a new way to configure Grafana Agent, that strives to make it the best data collector for signals regardless of vendor or platform.
- Matt Durham, Senior Software Engineer - Grafana Labs
- 13:00 PDT,
22:00 CEST,
20:00 UTC
How NVIDIA’s Threat Hunting process leverages Grafana and Loki for log analysis at scale
Learn how NVIDIA's security team relies on Grafana and Grafana Loki for analyzing different types of logs to identify and respond quickly to suspicious activity.
- Amit Singh Hora, Senior Software Engineer - NVIDIA
- Pradeep Thalasta, Senior Software Engineer, Data Science/ML - NVIDIA
- 13:30 PDT,
22:30 CEST,
20:30 UTC
How ESnet built Grafana plugins to visualize network data
ESnet has open-sourced Grafana visualizations tailored to its network analytic use cases. Learn how you can use them for your own purposes, networking and otherwise.
- Katrina Turner, Software Engineer - ESnet (Energy Sciences Network) at Berkeley National Lab
- Andy Lake, Network Software Engineer - ESnet (Energy Sciences Network) at Berkeley National Lab
- Dan Doyle, Senior Full-Stack Software Developer - ESnet (Energy Sciences Network) at Berkeley National Lab
- 07:00 PDT,
16:00 CEST,
14:00 UTC
Deep dive into Grafana 10
Don't miss this in-depth first look at the latest major release, Grafana 10.
- Quynton Johnson, Senior Product Marketing Manager - Grafana Labs
- Kristina Durivage, Senior Software Engineer - Grafana Labs
- Mitch Seaman, Director of Product - Grafana Labs
- Fabrizia Rossano, Senior Product Manager - Grafana Labs
- 08:00 PDT,
17:00 CEST,
15:00 UTC
Monitoring high-throughput real-time telemetry data at Daimler Truck with the Grafana Stack
Find out how Daimler leverages Grafana, Loki, Mimir, and Pyrra to monitor a trove of real-time data from 8,000 connected buses.
- Adrien Bestel, Principal Engineer - tb.lx by Daimler Truck
- 08:30 PDT,
17:30 CEST,
15:30 UTC
What's new in docs: improvements, how to contribute, and more
Members of the Grafana Labs technical writing team will dive into the world of docs, including updates over the past year.
- Fiona Peers Artiaga, Director, Documentation and Technical Writing - Grafana Labs
- Eve Meelan, Manager, Documentation and Technical Writing - Grafana Labs
- 09:15 PDT,
18:15 CEST,
16:15 UTC
How to build dynamic, customizable dashboards with Grafana Scenes
Learn how the new Scenes feature in Grafana makes building powerful dashboards easy.
- Bogdan Matei, Staff Software Engineer - Grafana Labs
- Dominik Prokop, Senior Software Engineer - Grafana Labs
- 09:45 PDT,
18:45 CEST,
16:45 UTC
How Grafana and Tempo 2.0 make it easier to explore distributed traces
Learn best practices for operating Grafana Tempo and tips and tricks to find and visualize "needle in the haystack" traces with TraceQL.
- Joe Elliott, Principal Software Engineer - Grafana Labs
- Zach Leslie, Software Engineer - Grafana Labs
- 10:15 PDT,
19:15 CEST,
17:15 UTC
How Grafana k6 helps you break your APIs to make them stronger
See a demo of k6 performance tests, plus best practices for what metrics to check and how to interpret the results with Grafana visualizations.
- Jose Luis Latorre Millas, Software Architect & Developer Community Lead - Swiss Life
- 11:00 PDT,
20:00 CEST,
18:00 UTC
Grafana's new navigation: A journey of user experience, design, and continuous improvement
Discover the evolution of Grafana's new navigation, from user research to design, and the improvements we've made to usability.
- Yaëlle Chaudy, Engineering Manager - Grafana Labs
- 11:30 PDT,
20:30 CEST,
18:30 UTC
Why Grafana Mimir is better than ever for time series data of all shapes and sizes
Since its launch just over a year ago, the TSDB has seen major developments that make it ideal for DIY projects and industrial-scale data centers alike.
- Ying Wang, Software Engineer - Grafana Labs
- Felix Beuke, Software Engineer - Grafana Labs
- 12:00 PDT,
21:00 CEST,
19:00 UTC
Automated performance modeling with NASA Open MCT, Grafana Cloud, and k6
Watch a demo of how frontend performance tooling is kept in sync with backend performance and in step with feature development at NASA's Space Mission Controls.
- John Hill, Web UI Test Engineer - KBR Inc. @ NASA Ames Research Center
- 12:30 PDT,
21:30 CEST,
19:30 UTC
Get started with home automation with Raspberry Pi and Grafana Cloud
This session will help you take baby steps to visualize and monitor your smart home with a few devices, some which you may already have around the house.
- Navish Bahl, Principal Solutions Engineer - Grafana Labs
- 13:00 PDT,
22:00 CEST,
20:00 UTC
Using Prometheus, Python, and Grafana Cloud for data-driven triathlon training
In triathlons as in DevOps, learn how to take advantage of Grafana’s composability to build useful dashboards for your own personal and professional projects.
- Kyle Shelton, Senior DevOps Engineer - Toyota Racing Development