Open source Enterprise Grafana Cloud

Create a GitHub personal access token

You will need a personal access token to use the plugin. GitHub currently supports two types of personal access tokens:

  1. fine-grained personal access tokens
  2. personal access tokens (classic)

Read more about personal access tokens.

The Grafana GitHub data source plugin works with both. Below is a table that indicates what minimum requirements must be matched before the plugin can be used.


Access tokentrueThis is required to allow plugin to connect to GitHub
GitHub Enterprise URLfalseOnly if you are using GitHub Enterprise account

Creating a personal access token (classic)

This is an example when you want to use the personal access token (classic).

  1. Login to your GitHub account.
  2. Navigate to Personal access tokens and click Generate new token.
  3. Select the personal access token (classic).
  4. Define the permissions which you want to allow.
  5. Click Generate Token.


You will need to define the access permissions for your token in order to allow it to access the data.

The following lists include the required permissions for the access token:

For all repositories:

  • public_repo
  • repo:status
  • repo_deployment
  • read:packages
  • read:user
  • user:email

For GitHub projects:

  • read:org
  • read:project

An extra setting is required for private repositories:

  • repo (Full control of private repositories)