
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

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Install the simple scalable Helm chart

This Helm Chart installation runs the Grafana Loki cluster within a Kubernetes cluster.

If object storge is configured, this chart configures Loki to run read and write targets in a scalable mode, highly available architecture (3 replicas of each) designed to work with AWS S3 object storage. It will also configure meta-monitoring of metrics and logs.

It is not possible to run the scalable mode with the filesystem storage.

Before you begin:

  • Helm 3 or above. See Installing Helm.
  • A running Kubernetes cluster.
  • A Prometheus operator installation in case meta-monitoring should be used.
  • Optionally a Memcached deployment for better performance. Consult the caching section on how to configure Memcached.

To deploy Loki in scalable mode:

  1. Add Grafana’s chart repository to Helm:

    helm repo add grafana
  2. Update the chart repository:

    helm repo update
  3. Configure the object storage:

    • Create the configuration file values.yaml. The example below illustrates a s3 configuration:

            chunks: chunks
            ruler: ruler
            admin: admin
          type: s3
            endpoint: <endpoint>
            region: <AWS region>
            secretAccessKey: <AWS secret access key>
            accessKeyId: <AWS access key ID>
            s3ForcePathStyle: false
            insecure: false

      Consult the Reference for configuring other storage providers.

    • If you’re just trying things, you can use the following configuration instead, that sets MinIO as storage:

        enabled: true
  4. Install or upgrade the Loki deployment.

    • To install:

      helm install --values values.yaml loki grafana/loki
    • To upgrade:

      helm upgrade --values values.yaml loki grafana/loki