
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Open source


Params is an object used by the gRPC methods that generate RPC requests. Params contains request-specific options like headers that should be inserted into the request.

Params.metadataobjectObject with key-value pairs representing custom metadata the user would like to add to the request. Values of keys ending with -bin will be treated as binary data.
Params.tagsobjectKey-value pairs where the keys are names of tags and the values are tag values. Response time metrics generated as a result of the request will have these tags added to them, allowing the user to filter out those results specifically, when looking at results data.
Params.timeoutstring / numberRequest timeout to use. Default timeout is 60 seconds ("60s").
The type can also be a number, in which case k6 interprets it as milliseconds, e.g., 60000 is equivalent to "60s".

Example of custom metadata headers and tags

import grpc from 'k6/experimental/grpc';

const client = new grpc.Client();
client.load([], 'route_guide.proto');

export default function () {
  const req = {
    latitude: 410248224,
    longitude: -747127767,
  const params = {
    metadata: {
      'x-my-header': 'k6test',
      'x-my-header-bin': new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]),
    tags: { k6test: 'yes' },
  const response = client.invoke('main.RouteGuide/GetFeature', req, params);