
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

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Page provides methods to interact with a single tab in a running web browser. A single BrowserContext can have many pages.

page.bringToFront()Activates a browser tab.
page.check(selector[, options])Select the input checkbox.[, options])Clicks on an element matching a selector.
page.close()Closes a tab that the page is associated with.
page.content()Gets the HTML contents of the page.
page.context()Gets the BrowserContext that the page belongs to.
page.dblclick(selector[, options])With the Mouse, double click on an element matching the provided selector.
page.dispatchEvent(selector, type, eventInit[, options])Dispatches HTML DOM event types e.g. 'click'
page.$(selector)Finds an element matching the specified selector within the page.
page.$$(selector)Finds all elements matching the specified selector within the page.
page.emulateMedia([options])Changes the CSS media type and the color scheme feature.
page.emulateVisionDeficiency(type)Emulates your website with the specified vision deficiency type.
page.evaluate(pageFunction[, arg])Returns the value of the pageFunction invocation.
page.evaluateHandle(pageFunction[, arg])Returns the value of the pageFunction invocation as a JSHandle.
page.fill(selector, value[, options])Fill an input, textarea or contenteditable element with the provided value.
page.focus(selector[, options])Fetches an element with selector and focuses on it.
page.frames()Returns an array of frames on the page.
page.getAttribute(selector, name[, options])Returns the element attribute value for the given attribute name.
page.goto(url[, options])Navigates to the specified url.
page.hover(selector[, options])Hovers over an element matching selector.
page.innerHTML(selector[, options])Returns the element.innerHTML.
page.innerText(selector[, options])Returns the element.innerText.
page.inputValue(selector[, options])Returns input.value for the selected input, textarea or select element.
page.isChecked(selector[, options])Checks to see if the checkbox input type is selected or not.
page.isClosed() Checks if the page has been closed.
page.isDisabled(selector[, options])Checks if the element is disabled.
page.isEditable(selector[, options])Checks if the element is editable.
page.isEnabled(selector[, options])Checks if the element is enabled.
page.isHidden(selector[, options])Checks if the element is hidden.
page.isVisible(selector[, options])Checks if the element is visible.
page.keyboardReturns the Keyboard instance to interact with a virtual keyboard on the page.
page.locator(selector)Returns a Locator for the given selector.
page.mainFrame()Returns the page’s main Frame.
page.mouseReturns the Mouse instance to interact with a virtual mouse on the page.
page.on(event, handler)Registers a handler to be called whenever the specified event occurs.
page.opener()Returns the page that opened the current page., key[, options])Focuses the element, and then presses the given key on the Keyboard.
page.reload([options])Reloads the current page.
page.screenshot([options])Returns a buffer with the captured screenshot from the web browser.
page.selectOption(selector, values[, options])Selects one or more options which match the values from a <select> element.
page.setContent(html[, options])Sets the supplied HTML string to the current page.
page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(timeout)Changes the navigation timeout for page.goto(url[, options]), page.reload([options]), page.setContent(html[, options]), and page.waitForNavigation([options])
page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)Changes the timeout for all the methods accepting a timeout option.
page.setExtraHTTPHeaders(headers)Sets extra HTTP headers which will be sent with subsequent HTTP requests.
page.setViewportSize(viewportSize)Updates the page’s width and height.
page.tap(selector[, options])Taps the first element that matches the selector.
page.textContent(selector[, options])Returns the element.textContent.
page.throttleCPU(cpuProfile)Throttles the CPU in Chrome/Chromium to slow it down by the specified rate in the cpuProfile object.
page.throttleNetwork(networkProfile)Throttles the network in Chrome/Chromium to slow it down by the specified fields in the networkProfile object.
page.title()Returns the page’s title.
page.type(selector, text[, options])Types the text in the first element found that matches the selector.
page.touchScreenReturns the Touchscreen instance to interact with a virtual touchscreen on the page.
page.uncheck(selector[, options])Unselects an input checkbox element.
page.url()Returns the page’s URL.
page.viewportSize()Returns the page’s size (width and height).
page.waitForFunction(pageFunction, arg[, options])Returns when the pageFunction returns a truthy value.
page.waitForLoadState(state[, options]) Waits for the given load state to be reached.
page.waitForNavigation([options])Waits for the given navigation lifecycle event to occur and returns the main resource response.
page.waitForSelector(selector[, options])Returns when element specified by selector satisfies state option.
page.waitForTimeout(timeout)Waits for the given timeout in milliseconds.
page.workers()Returns an array of the dedicated WebWorkers associated with the page.