delete(url, [body], [params])

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Documentationbreadcrumb arrow Grafana k6breadcrumb arrow JavaScript APIbreadcrumb arrow jslibbreadcrumb arrow httpxbreadcrumb arrow delete(url, [body], [params])
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delete(url, [body], [params])

session.delete(url, body, params) makes a DELETE request. Only the first parameter is required. Body is discouraged.

urlstringHTTP URL. If baseURL is set, provide only path.
body (optional)null / string / object / ArrayBuffer / SharedArrayRequest body; objects will be x-www-form-urlencoded. Set to null to omit the body.
params (optional)null or object {}Additional parameters for this specific request.


ResponseHTTP Response object.


import { Httpx } from '';

const session = new Httpx({
  baseURL: '',
  timeout: 20000, // 20s timeout.

export default function testSuite() {
  const resp = session.delete(`/delete`);