Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.
Deploy GEM on a Linux host
This guide provides a step by step process for installing Grafana Enterprise Metrics on a Linux machine. It assumes you have access to a Linux machine and the permissions required to deploy a service with network and filesystem access. At the end of this guide you will have deployed a single GEM instance on a single node.
In order to follow this guide you will the following:
- A valid Grafana Labs license with an associated GEM cluster name.
Setup an object storage bucket
To begin, you need access to an object storage backend. GEM uses object storage as a backend to store time series data as well as data related to the state of the system. This topic assumes that you are using Amazon S3 on the AWS us-east-1
region. If you plan on using a different region or object storage service, update the storage fields in the configuration file to match below to configure your desired service. Currently, the supported services are object storage backends that support the S3 API or Google GCS.
After you have provisioned an object storage backend, be sure to pre-create two buckets: grafana-metrics-admin
and grafana-metrics-tsdb
. Those buckets will be referenced in the configuration file of this guide.
Prepare your system
Before running GEM, it is recommended you setup a system user and prepare the required directories on the filesystem. Run the following commands on every node as the root user. To login as the root user run:
sudo su -
Add dedicated user and group
groupadd --system enterprise-metrics
useradd --system --home-dir /var/lib/enterprise-metrics -g enterprise-metrics enterprise-metrics
Create directories and assign ownership
mkdir -p /etc/enterprise-metrics /var/lib/enterprise-metrics
chown enterprise-metrics:enterprise-metrics /etc/enterprise-metrics
chown enterprise-metrics:enterprise-metrics /var/lib/enterprise-metrics
chmod 0750 /etc/enterprise-metrics /var/lib/enterprise-metrics
Copy the license file
You will need to ensure you license token file is copied to the path /etc/enterprise-metrics/license.jwt
Create a GEM configuration file
Copy the following YAML config to a file called /etc/enterprise-metrics/config.yaml
Next you will need to update the config file and set the blocks_storage.s3
sections to include access credentials for your object storage backend.
Download and configure the GEM binary
curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/enterprise-metrics
echo "81a461f806ddee890bd138e9e6f3e7406131f7c8a7e003dbb25239dd174d4bd3 /usr/local/bin/enterprise-metrics" | sha256sum -c
chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/enterprise-metrics
Set up systemd unit
Copy the following file to the path /etc/systemd/system/enterprise-metrics.service
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/enterprise-metrics \
Enable startup at boot time and start Grafana Enterprise Metrics
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable enterprise-metrics.service
systemctl start enterprise-metrics.service
Generate an admin token
Generate an admin token by running the following on a single node in the cluster:
su enterprise-metrics -c "/usr/local/bin/enterprise-metrics \
--config.file=/etc/enterprise-metrics/config.yaml \
The output of the above command should contain a token:
Token created: YWRtaW4tcG9saWN5LWJvb3RzdHJhcC10b2tlbjo8Ujc1IzQyfXBfMjd7fDIwMDRdYVxgeXw=
Verify your cluster is working
To verify your cluster is working you can run the following command using the token you generated in the previous step. For example:
curl -u :YWRtaW4tcG9saWN5LWJvb3RzdHJhcC10b2tlbjo8Ujc1IzQyfXBfMjd7fDIwMDRdYVxgeXw= localhost:8080/ready
After running the above command you should see the following output:
Next steps
Now that you have a working GEM deployment locally, refer to Set up the GEM plugin for Grafana for instructions on how to integrate your metrics cluster with Grafana and give you a UI to interact with the Admin API.