
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.


Version 2.7 release notes

Grafana Labs is excited to announce the release of Grafana Enterprise Metrics (GEM) 2.7, which is built on top of Grafana Mimir 2.7.

GEM 2.7 inherits all of the features, enhancements, and bugfixes that are in the Grafana Mimir 2.7 release. Given this, it’s best to start with the Grafana Mimir 2.7 release notes.

Features and enhancements

  • Remote cache support for the object storage client was added. New flags (with respective YAML configuration options):
    • -admin.client.cache.expiration
    • -admin.client.cache.type
    • -admin.client.cache.memcached.addresses
    • -admin.client.cache.memcached.max-async-buffer-size
    • -admin.client.cache.memcached.max-async-concurrency
    • -admin.client.cache.memcached.max-get-multi-batch-size
    • -admin.client.cache.memcached.max-get-multi-concurrency
    • -admin.client.cache.memcached.max-idle-connections
    • -admin.client.cache.memcached.max-item-size
    • -admin.client.cache.memcached.timeout
    • -admin.client.cache.redis.endpoint
    • -admin.client.cache.redis.username
    • -admin.client.cache.redis.password
    • -admin.client.cache.redis.db
    • -admin.client.cache.redis.master-name
    • -admin.client.cache.redis.connection-pool-size
    • -admin.client.cache.redis.dial-timeout
    • -admin.client.cache.redis.idle-timeout
    • -admin.client.cache.redis.write-timeout
    • -admin.client.cache.redis.min-idle-connections
    • -admin.client.cache.redis.max-connection-age
    • -admin.client.cache.redis.max-async-buffer-size
    • -admin.client.cache.redis.max-async-concurrency
    • -admin.client.cache.redis.max-get-multi-batch-size
    • -admin.client.cache.redis.max-get-multi-concurrency
    • -admin.client.cache.redis.max-item-size
    • -admin.client.cache.redis.tls-enabled
    • -admin.client.cache.redis.tls-ca-path
    • -admin.client.cache.redis.tls-cert-path
    • -admin.client.cache.redis.tls-key-path
    • -admin.client.cache.redis.tls-server-name
    • -admin.client.cache.redis.tls-insecure-skip-verify
    • -admin.client.cache.redis.tls-min-version
    • -admin.client.cache.redis.tls-cipher-suites
    • -admin.client.cache.refresh-interval
  • All base Docker images were updated from alpine:3.17.1 to alpine:3.17.2.

Upgrade considerations

  • There are no breaking changes in this release of GEM.

This release also inherits the upgrade considerations from the Grafana Mimir 2.7 release.

After you upgrade to GEM 2.7, upgrade your GEM plugin to the latest version. For more information about the most recent enhancements and bugfixes in the GEM plugin, see the Grafana Enterprise Metrics: Changelog.

Bug fixes


  • Updated Go version to 1.20.3 to fix CVE-2023-24538