This is documentation for the next version of Alloy. For the latest stable release, go to the latest version.
Install Grafana Alloy with Chef
You can use Chef to install and manage Alloy.
Before you begin
- These steps assume you already have a working Chef setup.
- You can add the following resources to any recipe.
- These tasks install Alloy from the package repositories.
The tasks target Linux systems from the following families:
- Debian, including Ubuntu
- RedHat Enterprise Linux, including Fedora
- Amazon Linux
To add Alloy to a host:
Add the following resources to your Chef recipe to add the Grafana package repositories to your system:
if platform_family?('debian', 'rhel', 'amazon', 'fedora') if platform_family?('debian') remote_file '/etc/apt/keyrings/grafana.gpg' do source '' mode '0644' action :create end file '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/grafana.list' do content "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/grafana.gpg] stable main" mode '0644' notifies :update, 'apt_update[update apt cache]', :immediately end apt_update 'update apt cache' do action :nothing end elsif platform_family?('rhel', 'amazon', 'fedora') yum_repository 'grafana' do description 'grafana' baseurl '' gpgcheck true gpgkey '' enabled true action :create notifies :run, 'execute[add-rhel-key]', :immediately end execute 'add-rhel-key' do command "rpm --import" action :nothing end end else fail "The #{node['platform_family']} platform is not supported." end
Add the following resources to install and enable the
service:package 'alloy' do action :install flush_cache [ :before ] if platform_family?('amazon', 'rhel', 'fedora') notifies :restart, 'service[alloy]', :delayed end service 'alloy' do service_name 'alloy' action [:enable, :start] end
The alloy
package installs a default configuration file that doesn’t send telemetry anywhere.
The default configuration file location is /etc/alloy/config.alloy
You can replace this file with your own configuration or create a configuration file for the service to use.