DD-WRT Router Dashboard

DD-WRT Router Dashboard screenshot 1

This dashboard was built for the WRT 1900AC Router running DD-WRT.

  • The scripts should work across the newer routers running dd-wrt and perhaps some older models too by adjusting the scripts a little.

Download shell scripts from:


Quick setup instructions:

  • Enable jffs storage
  • Upload shell scripts to /jffs/
  • Modify shell scripts to include your graphite IP/Port
  • Modify shell scripts to match your interface names (ifconfig)
  • Adjust ping scripts to match your environment

Now to enable the jobs in Cron and on Startup:

  • Add the following under Additional Cron Jobs:
    * * * * * root /jffs/collector.sh > /dev/null 2>&1
    * * * * * root /jffs/sleep20.sh > /dev/null 2>&1
    * * * * * root /jffs/sleep40.sh > /dev/null 2>&1

  • Add the following script to the router Startup:
    /jffs/checkBandwidthInterface.sh &

  • Paste below into the commands window and select “Run Command”
    /jffs/checkBandwidthInterface.sh &

That should be it.

  • If any errors, try running the shell scripts manually.
  • check “ps” output that shell scripts are running periodically.

Get this dashboard

Import the dashboard template


Download JSON
