Grafana Dashboard Exporter/Importer
One button, which will export all Grafana dashboards and download them as a zip file + importer.
One button, which will export all dashboards and download them as a zip file with folder structure. Only Grafana API and html/css/js are used. Internet connection is required, because some js libraries are downloaded from CDN.
GitHub repo: Grafana Utils
Grafana 6+ users: The text panel does no longer by default allow unsantizied HTML, which is required to run custom Javascript code in the dashboard. To enable unsafe Javascript execution in text panels enable the settings disable_sanitize_html under the section [panels] in your Grafana ini file, or set env variable GF_PANELS_DISABLE_SANITIZE_HTML=true.
Data source config
Collector config:
Upload an updated version of an exported dashboard.json file from Grafana
Revision | Description | Created | |
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Get this dashboard
Import the dashboard template