ALERT Elastic_UP
IF elasticsearch_up{job="elasticsearch"}!=1
FOR 120s
LABELS {severity="alert", value ="{{$value}}"}
summary ="Instance {{ $labels.instance }}: Elasticsearch instance status is not 1",
description ="This server's Elasticsearch instance status has a value of {{ $value }}.",
ALERT Elastic_Cluster_Health_RED
IF elasticsearch_cluster_health_status{color="red"}==1
FOR 300s
LABELS {severity="alert", value ="{{$value}}"}
summary ="Instance {{ $labels.instance }}: not all primary and replica shards are allocated in elasticsearch cluster {{ $labels.cluster }}",
description ="Instance {{ $labels.instance }}: not all primary and replica shards are allocated in elasticsearch cluster {{ $labels.cluster }}.",
ALERT Elastic_Cluster_Health_Yellow
IF elasticsearch_cluster_health_status{color="yellow"}==1
FOR 300s
LABELS {severity="alert", value ="{{$value}}"}
summary ="Instance {{ $labels.instance }}: not all primary and replica shards are allocated in elasticsearch cluster {{ $labels.cluster }}",
description ="Instance {{ $labels.instance }}: not all primary and replica shards are allocated in elasticsearch cluster {{ $labels.cluster }}.",
ALERT Elasticsearch_JVM_Heap_Too_High
IF elasticsearch_jvm_memory_used_bytes{area="heap"} / elasticsearch_jvm_memory_max_bytes{area="heap"}>0.8
FOR 15m
LABELS {severity="alert", value ="{{$value}}"}
summary ="ElasticSearch node {{ $labels.instance }} heap usage is high",
description ="The heap in {{ $labels.instance }} is over 80% for 15m.",
ALERT Elasticsearch_health_up
IF elasticsearch_cluster_health_up !=1
FOR 1m
LABELS {severity="alert", value ="{{$value}}"}
summary ="ElasticSearch node: {{ $labels.instance }} last scrape of the ElasticSearch cluster health failed",
description ="ElasticSearch node: {{ $labels.instance }} last scrape of the ElasticSearch cluster health failed",
ALERT Elasticsearch_Too_Few_Nodes_Running
IF elasticsearch_cluster_health_number_of_nodes <3
FOR 5m
LABELS {severity="alert", value ="{{$value}}"}
ANNOTATIONS {description="There are only {{$value}} < 3 ElasticSearch nodes running",
summary="ElasticSearch running on less than 3 nodes"}
ALERT Elasticsearch_Count_of_JVM_GC_Runs
IF rate(elasticsearch_jvm_gc_collection_seconds_count{}[5m])>5
FOR 60s
LABELS {severity="warning", value ="{{$value}}"}
summary ="ElasticSearch node {{ $labels.instance }}: Count of JVM GC runs > 5 per sec and has a value of {{ $value }}",
description ="ElasticSearch node {{ $labels.instance }}: Count of JVM GC runs > 5 per sec and has a value of {{ $value }}",
ALERT Elasticsearch_GC_Run_Time
IF rate(elasticsearch_jvm_gc_collection_seconds_sum[5m])>0.3
FOR 60s
LABELS {severity="warning", value ="{{$value}}"}
summary ="ElasticSearch node {{ $labels.instance }}: GC run time in seconds > 0.3 sec and has a value of {{ $value }}",
description ="ElasticSearch node {{ $labels.instance }}: GC run time in seconds > 0.3 sec and has a value of {{ $value }}",
ALERT Elasticsearch_json_parse_failures
IF elasticsearch_cluster_health_json_parse_failures>0
FOR 60s
LABELS {severity="warning", value ="{{$value}}"}
summary ="ElasticSearch node {{ $labels.instance }}: json parse failures > 0 and has a value of {{ $value }}",
description ="ElasticSearch node {{ $labels.instance }}: json parse failures > 0 and has a value of {{ $value }}",
ALERT Elasticsearch_breakers_tripped
IF rate(elasticsearch_breakers_tripped{}[5m])>0
FOR 60s
LABELS {severity="warning", value ="{{$value}}"}
summary ="ElasticSearch node {{ $labels.instance }}: breakers tripped > 0 and has a value of {{ $value }}",
description ="ElasticSearch node {{ $labels.instance }}: breakers tripped > 0 and has a value of {{ $value }}",
ALERT Elasticsearch_health_timed_out
IF elasticsearch_cluster_health_timed_out>0
FOR 60s
LABELS {severity="warning", value ="{{$value}}"}
summary ="ElasticSearch node {{ $labels.instance }}: Number of cluster health checks timed out > 0 and has a value of {{ $value }}",
description ="ElasticSearch node {{ $labels.instance }}: Number of cluster health checks timed out > 0 and has a value of {{ $value }}",
Data source config
Collector type:
Collector plugins:
Collector config:
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