air-Q Prometheus Exporter
Display your air-Q data that has been exported with The air-Q is an air quality measuring device that detects particulates, carbon monoxide, chemicals and other pollutants.
This Dashboard is made for
The Grafana dashboard has visualizations for the air-Q pro that comes with 14 sensors. The following metrics are supported:
Metric | English Name | German Name | Unit | Type | Has Error Margin? |
health | Health | Gesundheitsindex | % | double | no |
performance | Performance | Leistungsindex | % | double | no |
no2 | Nitrogen Dioxide | Stickstoffdioxid | µg/m³ | double | yes |
co2 | Carbon Dioxide | Kohlendioxid | ppm | double | yes |
sound | Noise | Lärm | dB(A) | double | yes |
sound_max | Noise (Maximum) | Lärm (Maximum) | dB(A) | double | yes |
tvoc | VOC | VOC | ppb | double | yes |
humidity | Relative Humidity | Relative Luftfeuchtigkeit | % | double | yes |
co | Carbon Monoxide | Kohlenmonoxid | mg/m³ | double | yes |
humidity_abs | Absolute Humidity | Absolute Luftfeuchtigkeit | g/m³ | double | yes |
temperature | Temperature | Temperatur | °C | double | yes |
pm1 | PM1 Particulate Matter | PM1 Feinstaub | µg/m³ | double | yes |
pm2_5 | PM2.5 Particulate Matter | PM2.5 Feinstaub | µg/m³ | double | yes |
pm10 | PM10 Particulate Matter | PM10 Feinstaub | µg/m³ | double | yes |
pressure | Air Pressure | Luftdruck | hPa | double | yes |
dewpt | Dew Point | Taupunkt | °C | double | yes |
TypPS | Typical Particulate Size | Typische Partikelgröße | µm | double | no |
dCO2dt | Change of CO₂ concentration | Änderung der CO₂ Konzentration | int | no | |
dHdt | Change of Humidity | Änderung der Luftfeuchtigkeit | int | no | |
measuretime | Duration of measurement | Dauer der Messung | ms | int | no |
timestamp | Timestamp | Timestamp | long | no | |
uptime | Uptime | Uptime | s | long | no |
Status | Status | Status | string | no |
Data source config
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