Pulze LLM Application Overview

Pulze.ai Dashboard around LLM application performance, costs, and usage associated with various providers and models.

Pulze LLM Application Overview screenshot 1

Overview: The “Pulze LLM Application Overview” offers a deep dive into the various metrics associated with the Pulze application. Designed for managers, developers, and financial analysts alike, this dashboard combines essential metrics to provide a panoramic view of how the application performs, the associated costs, and token consumption.


Cost Overview:

Get a grasp of your spending by understanding average costs per token and the overall cost distribution by providers. Track which models are the most cost-effective and how spending on prompts evolves over time. Performance Metrics:

Monitor the application’s efficiency by exploring average request durations segmented by model. Gain insights into the performance of providers by understanding the average request duration per token. Usage Metrics:

Track token consumption trends across different organizations and request types. Understand which organizations are the most active and which request types are the most token-intensive. Comparative Metrics:

Assess the balance between cost and token usage for each model. Analyze the relationship between request duration and token consumption. Operational Insights:

Stay ahead of operational challenges by monitoring the rate of prompt costs and identifying potentially slower providers. Deep dive into metrics per app ID to ensure optimal performance across all apps. Using the Dashboard:

Filters & Segments: Use the dropdowns and selectors at the top of the dashboard to filter data by specific models, providers, organizations, or time ranges.

ToolTips: Hover over data points and charts to view additional details and insights.

Refresh Rate: The dashboard data updates every 5 minutes. However, users can manually refresh for the latest data.

Feedback and Suggestions: Your insights and feedback are invaluable. If you have suggestions or encounter any issues, please reach out to our support team at support@pulze.ai.


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