Apache Tomcat

This Apache Tomcat dashboard is based upon @chanjarster Tomcat dashboard ID: 8704 which I started with about 3 years ago. I have taken many of those concepts and added configurability, additional custom Tomcat metrics, as well as some calculated ones. It is compatible with multiple deployment environments and supports additional labels like app which can help you to organise and analyse your applications across various environments. I have also made changes focused around scale/load testing and sizing where performance metrics can more easily be used to inform of bottlenecks but as well as inform sizing, and determine where default configurations need to be adjusted. Personally, I really like the service latency on the right, error rate, thread graph, and the web socket traffic. You'll also note that the configuration picks up some key Java metrics, and those can be analysed in another dashboard that I've created, tested, and evolved over a couple of years.

Apache Tomcat screenshot 1
Apache Tomcat screenshot 2
Apache Tomcat screenshot 3
# Configuration by Greg Eva (geva@ptc.com) - please contact for questions or suggested changes/enhancements
lowercaseOutputLabelNames: false
lowercaseOutputName: true
# Eventually could put back whitelist, however are very specifically pulling only relevant attributes anyway
#whitelistObjectNames: ["java.lang:type=OperatingSystem", "java.lang:type=Memory", "java.lang:type=MemoryPool", "java.lang:type=Threading", "java.lang:type=GarbageCollector", "Catalina:*", "com.mchange.v2.c3p0:*" , "org.apache.commons.pool2:*"]
#blacklistObjectNames: []

- pattern: 'java.lang<type=OperatingSystem><>(ProcessCpuLoad|SystemCpuLoad|SystemLoadAverage|AvailableProcessors):'
  name: jvm_processor_$1
  help: Java Virtual Machine processor load for $1
  type: GAUGE

- pattern: 'java.lang<type=OperatingSystem><>(\w+)FileDescriptorCount:'
  name: jvm_filedescriptor_$1_count
  help: Java Virtual Machine open and maximum file descriptors
  type: GAUGE

- pattern: 'java.lang<type=OperatingSystem><>(TotalSwapSpace|FreeSwapSpace|TotalPhysicalMemorySize|FreePhysicalMemorySize):'
  name: jvm_memory_$1_bytes
  help: Java Virtual Machine memory for $1
  type: GAUGE

- pattern: 'java.lang<type=Threading><>(CurrentThreadCpuTime|CurrentThreadUserTime):'
  name: jvm_threads_$1_total
  help: Java Virtual Machine threads for $1
  type: COUNTER

- pattern: 'java.lang<type=Memory><(\w+)MemoryUsage>(\w+): (\d+)'
  name: jvm_memory_bytes_$2
    area: "$1"  # Heap/NonHeap
    value: $3
  type: GAUGE

# Skipping GC related metrics, as they come in with the Java agent exporter implementation (not HTTP server)
# Ideally I would like these two metrics, but I cannot get the JMX query to work
# LastGcInfo before and after memory details not needed as present on jvm_memory_pool_allocated_bytes_total
#- pattern: 'java.lang<name=([-a-zA-Z0-9+/$%~_-|!.]*),type=GarbageCollector><LastGcInfo>(GcThreadCount|duration)'
#  name: jvm_gc_$2
#  labels:
#    pool: $1
#  help: Java Virtual Machine garbage collection for $1
#  type: GAUGE

## TOMCAT ##        
- pattern: 'Catalina<type=GlobalRequestProcessor, name=\"(\w+-.+?)-(\d+)\"><>(\w+):'
  name: tomcat_$3_total
    port: "$2"
    protocol: "$1"
  help: Tomcat global $3
  type: COUNTER

- pattern: 'Catalina<type=GlobalRequestProcessor, Upgrade=([-a-zA-Z0-9+/$%~_-|!.]*), name=\"(\w+-.+?)-(\d+)\"><>(\w+):'
  name: tomcat_upgrade_$4_total
    port: "$2"
    protocol: "$1"
    upgrade: "$3"
  help: Tomcat global $4
  type: COUNTER

- pattern: 'Catalina<j2eeType=Servlet, WebModule=//([-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:.,;]*[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|]), name=([-a-zA-Z0-9+/$%~_-|!.]*), J2EEApplication=none, J2EEServer=none><>(requestCount|maxTime|processingTime|errorCount):'
  name: tomcat_servlet_$3_total
    module: "$1"
    servlet: "$2"
  help: Tomcat servlet $3 total
  type: COUNTER

- pattern: 'Catalina<type=ThreadPool, name="(\w+-.+?)-(\d+)"><>(currentThreadCount|currentThreadsBusy|keepAliveCount|maxKeepAliveRequests|pollerThreadCount|connectionCount|maxConnections|connectionTimeout|maxThreads|minSpareThreads|acceptCount|acceptorThreadCount):'
  name: tomcat_threadpool_$3
    port: "$2"
    protocol: "$1"
  help: Tomcat threadpool $3
  type: GAUGE

- pattern: 'Catalina<type=Manager, host=([-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:.,;]*[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|]), context=([-a-zA-Z0-9+/$%~_-|!.]*)><>(processingTime|sessionCounter|rejectedSessions|expiredSessions):'
  # (Catalina<j2eeType=Servlet, WebModule=//localhost/examples, name=stock, J2EEApplication=none, J2EEServer=none><>asyncSupported)
  name: tomcat_session_$3_total
    context: "$2"
    host: "$1"
  help: Tomcat session $3 total
  type: COUNTER

- pattern: 'Catalina<type=WebResourceRoot, host=([-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:.,;]*[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|]), context=([-a-zA-Z0-9+/$%~_-|!.]*), name=Cache><>(\w+):'
  name: tomcat_cache_$3
    context: "$2"
    host: "$1"
  help: Tomcat Resource cache confirguration and performance metrics (units are kb and ms)
  type: GAUGE

# For everything missing... compatibility across MSAI deployments and my own dashboards.
#- pattern: "java.*"
- pattern: "Catalina*"

You will then need to either change your Tomcat service to include the JMX Exporter as a Java agent, or add it to the JAVA_OPTS or CATALINA_OPTS so that the exporter with associated configuration file will be loaded with Tomcat.


And then add the relevant Prometheus scrape configuration for the above JMX Exporter configuration. Consult the Prometheus documentation should you need to enhance it.

  - job_name: 'jmx'

    - targets: ['wer-twx-foundation:9111', 'wer-twx-iothubconnector:9111']

You’ll note the YAML list which allows adding multiple servers to scrape. You can break these out across multiple lines if you wish to apply specific application or other labels as a part of the scrape. Example:

    - targets:
      - simulator.japaneast.cloudapp.azure.com:9111
        group: Simulators
        region: Japan
    - targets:
      - simulator.centralus.cloudapp.azure.com:9111
        group: Simulators
        region: USA
    - targets:
      - simulator.germanywestcentral.cloudapp.azure.com:9111
        group: Simulators
        region: Germany
    - targets:
      - simulator.koreacentral.cloudapp.azure.com:9111
        group: Simulators
        region: Korea
Apache Tomcat

Apache Tomcat

by Grafana Labs
Grafana Labs solution

Easily monitor Apache Tomcat, an open source web server and servlet container that can run Java-based web applications, with Grafana Cloud's out-of-the-box monitoring solution.

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