Proxmox [Flux] Cluster

Proxmox Dashboard complete written in Flux with multiple server option for Cluster use Dashboard taken from @mephisto

Proxmox [Flux] Cluster screenshot 1

All Credits to mephisto! ( / ID: 15356) Check out the original Dash for single Server environments. Just added the Multi-Server selection and adjusted the FLUX-Queries for the Graphs and Panels. From the original ReadMe:

Since Proxmox VE now has a native exporter for writing host/cluster metrics to InfluxDB 2.0 oss or cloud, i have written this grafana dashboard - completely in fluxlang.

It’s easy to use:

create a bucket + token in influxdb2 enable metric export in Proxmox VE. verify that data is stored in the bucket create a flux datasource in Grafana with a token that as read access to the bucket import this dashboard template


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