Telegraf with Flux

Basic health and usage monitoring of any host running Telegraf. All queries are written in flux, requireing influxdb 2.x. Ansible playbook to configure the host and the correct telegraf configuration to provide these metrics to influxdb_v2 are provided on github:

Telegraf with Flux screenshot 1
Telegraf with Flux screenshot 2
Telegraf with Flux screenshot 3
Telegraf with Flux screenshot 4
Telegraf with Flux screenshot 5
Telegraf with Flux screenshot 6
Telegraf with Flux screenshot 7
Telegraf with Flux screenshot 8
The Telegraf with Flux dashboard uses the influxdb data source to create a Grafana dashboard with the barchart, bargauge, gauge, stat, table, text and timeseries panels.

Get this dashboard

Import the dashboard template


Download JSON
