TDengine Alert Demo

TDengine database Alert Feature Demo Dashboard

TDengine Alert Demo screenshot 1

Now TDengine data source plugin provides basic alert feature support by backend plugin since version 3.1.0. But it has some known limits currently:

  1. The sql statement only supports two variables: $from and $to.
  2. When using grafana’s alert function, you must use SQL as the Type option. That means, arithmetic expression will not work as you expected for alert.
  3. In addition, only ALIAS BY and INPUT SQL are valid. So alert does not work if you requires the time-shift feature.

We’ve published a dashboard (15155) for you to under stand how alert working.

Here is the details:

First, you should have a notification channel, if no, add a new one in http://localhost:3000/alerting/notification/new(here we use AlertManager for test, we also provides a webhook example here, in webhook/ directory)

notification channel

Second, set the alert query in panel like this:

alert query

Config the alert rule and notifications:

alert rule

Test it with Test rule button, it should return firing: true:

alert rule test

In alert manager dashboard, you could see the alert:

alert manager


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