njmon for Linux Processes v6

Use njmon on AIX for Linux v76+ You need to request Process data to be collected using the -P option. Also use the -t 5 option to only collect processes using 5% of a CPU or more. This eliminates lots of process data for minor CPU using processes. Even try -t 50 to capture the naughty list of processes (some might be in accidental loops or stuck in loop).

njmon for Linux Processes v6 screenshot 1

Top graph is the Virtual Machine CPU use - if this is low there is not much point looking at further details. Then by process:

  • CPU Percent
  • CPU user + system
  • Memory resident set size = Actually in memory pages (not on disk or paging space)
  • Thread count
  • Priority There are many other values you could graph
Linux Server

Linux Server

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