FreshTomato Router Dashboard

FreshTomato Router Dashboard screenshot 1

Scripts to display metrics from routers running FreshTomato. Developed on Netgear R7000.

Based on dd-wrt-grafana by Trevor Dodds (, updated for influxdb and freshtomato.

Requirements: Router running FreshTomato (tested on 2021.2) Server running Grafana Server running InfluxDB with auth-enabled=true


  1. Enable JFFS support on Tomato under Administration -> JFFS.

  2. Upload all shell scripts from to /jffs/tomato-grafana/. Modify the IP, port, password, and username of your influxdb server in Also add any additional mount points you may want to monitor in this file as well, space-delimited.

  3. For speedtest results, download the Ookla ARM CLI tool from and place its contents into a folder called /jffs/speedtest/.

  4. Add the following three commands under Administration -> Scheduler as custom cron jobs:

sh /jffs/tomato-grafana/ >/dev/null 2>&1

sh /jffs/tomato-grafana/ >/dev/null 2>&1

sh /jffs/tomato-grafana/ >/dev/null 2>&1

These should all run every 1 minute on every day of the week.

Add the following cron as well for speed tests:

sh /jffs/tomato-grafana/ >/dev/null 2>&1

This should run every 30 minutes, or as often as you would like results recorded.

  1. Import Grafana json dashboard.

  2. Enjoy!


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