TheGeekFreaks Unraid Dashboard 1.6

Developed byTheGeekFreaks

TheGeekFreaks Unraid Dashboard 1.6 screenshot 1
TheGeekFreaks Unraid Dashboard 1.6 screenshot 2
TheGeekFreaks Unraid Dashboard 1.6 screenshot 3
TheGeekFreaks Unraid Dashboard 1.6 screenshot 4
TheGeekFreaks Unraid Dashboard 1.6 screenshot 5
TheGeekFreaks Unraid Dashboard 1.6 screenshot 6
TheGeekFreaks Unraid Dashboard 1.6 screenshot 7
TheGeekFreaks Unraid Dashboard 1.6 screenshot 8
The TheGeekFreaks Unraid Dashboard 1.6 dashboard uses the elasticsearch, graphite, influxdb, loki, marcusolsson-json-datasource and prometheus data sources to create a Grafana dashboard with the bargauge, dalvany-image-panel, grafana-piechart-panel, grafana-worldmap-panel, graph, magnesium-wordcloud-panel, mxswat-separator-panel, singlestat, stat, table, text and yesoreyeram-boomtheme-panel panels.

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