InfluxDB Windows Server Telegraf

All info Server Windows InfluxDB , Telegraf, Windows

InfluxDB Windows Server Telegraf screenshot 1
InfluxDB Windows Server Telegraf screenshot 2
InfluxDB Windows Server Telegraf screenshot 3
InfluxDB Windows Server Telegraf screenshot 4
InfluxDB Windows Server Telegraf screenshot 5

Config Telegraf.conf path: C:\Program Files\Telegraf




Read metrics about cpu usage


  ## Whether to report per-cpu stats or not

 percpu = true

  ## Whether to report total system cpu stats or not

totalcpu = true

  ## If true, collect raw CPU time metrics.

 collect_cpu_time = false

If true, compute and report the sum of all non-idle CPU states.

  report_active = false

  fielddrop = ["time_guest","time_guest_nice","time_irq","time_nice","time_softirq","time_steal","usage_guest","usage_guest_nice","usage_irq","usage_nice","usage_softirq","usage_steal"]

Read metrics about disk usage by mount point


Read metrics about disk IO by device



Get kernel statistics from /proc/stat


Read metrics about memory usage


Get the number of processes and group them by status


Read metrics about swap memory usage


Read metrics about system load & uptime


Read stats about given file(s)


Read formatted metrics from one or more HTTP endpoints


Collect statistics about itself


This plugin gathers interrupts data from /proc/interrupts and /proc/softirqs.


Collect virtual and real server stats from Linux IPVS


Get kernel statistics from /proc/vmstat


Provides Linux sysctl fs metrics


Aggregates the contents of multiple files into a single point


Read metrics about network interface usage


Collect response time of a TCP or UDP connection


Read TCP metrics such as established, time wait and sockets counts.


Collect kernel snmp counters and network interface statistics



Monitor process cpu and memory usage


pattern = "httpd|java|python|telegraf|tomcat8|htop|apache2|www-data"

user = "daemon|root|telegraf|www-data|tomcat8"

Sysstat metrics collector


Gather systemd units state


Read metrics of ZFS from arcstats, zfetchstats, vdev_cache_stats, and pools



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