- Ward Bekker
Senior Principal Solutions Engineer at Grafana Labs
- Willie Engelbrecht
Principal Solutions Engineer at Grafana Labs
- Leon Sorokin
Principal Software Engineer at Grafana Labs
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Ward Bekker is based in The Netherlands and is part of the Solutions Engineering team at Grafana Labs. As a big fan of the Grafana Loki project, he likes to publish Loki how-to videos on YouTube, share project news and tips on social media, and give Loki- and observability-flavored workshops and webinars. Earlier in his career, he specialized in big data cybersecurity and worked as a developer of high-traffic websites.
Willie is currently enjoying a new hobby: astrophotography. He also loves to tinker and visualize all kinds of data in Grafana. Willie has been a user of Grafana for over 6 years and likes helping everyone democratize their observability strategy.
Leon Sorokin is a Principal Software Engineer at Grafana Labs, where he focuses on performance optimization and efficient data visualization. With a background in computer science, Leon is known for his expertise in reducing computational overhead and enhancing user experiences. He maintains an active presence on GitHub under the handle "leeoniya," where he contributes to various open-source projects and shares his insights on code efficiency. Leon is also a speaker at industry events, sharing his knowledge on topics related to software engineering and data visualization.