Using Grafana to inform the public of Covid’s economic impact in near-real time
Wednesday, Jun 16, 1:55 PM
In a time of crisis, universities play a role in keeping the public informed. When Covid-19 hit, Dénes Csala, Visiting Assistant Professor in Data Visualization at Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca in Romania, set out to create an information dashboard that could present many visualization types interwoven with text, and receive frequent updates — and found that Grafana was the best tool for this task. Reaching 100K users a day at its peak, the Covid-19 Romanian Economic Impact Monitor has been one of the main information channels about the pandemic for the people of Romania for more than a year. It correlates governmental actions with the evolution of the pandemic and tracks relevant economic health indicators in near-real time. Dénes will walk through the Monitor’s Grafana frontend, which has a heavily custom style and several custom visualizations. All services are integrated into Docker containers, and all of the source code is forkable on GitHub.
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