Week One
Strava: the Venn diagram of observability
Friday, May 15, 2020 13:30 ET / 17:30 UTC | 50 min
In the era of services architecture, reliability engineering, and container orchestration, the word “observability” is widely used but rarely clearly defined. What is “observability” really? Of the various observability concepts and tools, what are the distinctions and overlaps in various technologies? This talk should help attendees answer questions like:
- “How do I compare logging and exception handling?”
- “Do I need distributed tracing?”
- “What is ‘instrumentation’ exactly? Is it the same as visualization?”

David Worth, Engineering Manager, Strava
Dave is a mathematician by training who specialized in Functional Analysis and Geometric Measure Theory. In his professional life, he has been a web and backend engineer who developed a specialization in observability through building reliable distributed systems with strong uptime requirements at companies such as DigitalOcean and Strava.