Version 1.0 release notes

Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Open source

Version 1.0 release notes

The Pyroscope team is excited to announce the first release. We’re committed to building the best continuous profiling experience in Grafana and contributing to that space along with the open-source community.

From the first release you can expect:

  • Pyroscope is a horizontally-scalable, highly-available, multi-tenant continuous profiling aggregation system with similar architecture to Grafana Mimir, Grafana Loki, and Grafana Tempo.
  • Easy to get started with guides covering Helm, Tanka, and docker-compose installations.
  • A fully integrated data source in Grafana to correlate your continuous profiling data with other observability signals using Grafana Explore and dashboards. The native flame graph panel visualization can also be used by other profiling data sources.

For more details check out the Full Changelog and the commit list.