Shared iterations

Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Open source

Shared iterations

The shared-iterations executor shares iterations between the number of VUs. The test ends once k6 executes all iterations.

For a shortcut to this executor, use the vus and iterations options.


Iterations are not guaranteed to be evenly distributed with this executor. VU that executes faster will complete more iterations than slower VUs.

To guarantee that every VU completes a specific, fixed number of iterations, use the per-VU iterations executor.


Besides the common configuration options, this executor has the following options:

vusintegerNumber of VUs to run concurrently.1
iterationsintegerTotal number of script iterations to execute across all VUs.1
maxDurationstringMaximum scenario duration before it’s forcibly stopped (excluding gracefulStop)."10m"

When to use

This executor is suitable when you want a specific number of VUs to complete a fixed number of total iterations, and the amount of iterations per VU is unimportant. If the time to complete a number of test iterations is your concern, this executor should perform best.

An example use case is for quick performance tests in the developement build cycle. As developers make changes, they might run the test against the local code to test for performance regressions. Thus the executor works well with a shift-left policy, where emphasizes testing performance early in the development cycle, when the cost of a fix is lowest.


The following example schedules 200 total iterations shared by 10 VUs with a maximum test duration of 30 seconds.

import http from 'k6/http';
import { sleep } from 'k6';

export const options = {
  discardResponseBodies: true,
  scenarios: {
    contacts: {
      executor: 'shared-iterations',
      vus: 10,
      iterations: 200,
      maxDuration: '30s',

export default function () {
  // Injecting sleep
  // Sleep time is 500ms. Total iteration time is sleep + time to finish request.


The following graph depicts the performance of the example script:

Shared Iterations

Based upon our test scenario inputs and results:

  • Test is limited to a fixed number of 200 iterations of the default function;
  • The number of VUs is fixed to 10, and are initialized before the test begins;
  • Each iteration of the default function is expected to be roughly 515ms, or ~2/s;
  • Maximum throughput (highest efficiency) is therefore expected to be ~20 iters/s, 2 iters/s * 10 VUs;
  • The maximum throughput is maintained for a larger portion of the test;
  • The distribution of iterations may be skewed: one VU may have performed 50 iterations, another only 10.