CookieJar.delete(url, name)

Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Open source

CookieJar.delete(url, name)

urlstringThe URL to delete cookies for.
namestringThe name of the cookie you want to delete.


import http from 'k6/http';
import { check } from 'k6';

export default function () {
  const jar = http.cookieJar();
  jar.set('', 'my_cookie_1', 'hello world_1');
  jar.set('', 'my_cookie_2', 'hello world_2');

  const res1 = http.get('');
  check(res1, {
    'res1 has status 200': (r) => r.status === 200,
    "res1 has cookie 'my_cookie_1'": (r) => r.json().cookies.my_cookie_1 !== null,
    'res1 cookie has correct value_1': (r) => r.json().cookies.my_cookie_1 == 'hello world_1',
    "res1 has cookie 'my_cookie_2'": (r) => r.json().cookies.my_cookie_2 !== null,
    'res1 cookie has correct value_2': (r) => r.json().cookies.my_cookie_2 == 'hello world_2',

  jar.delete('', 'my_cookie_1');

  const res2 = http.get('');
  check(res2, {
    'res2 has status 200': (r) => r.status === 200,
    "res2 doesn't have cookie 'my_cookie_1'": (r) => r.json().cookies.my_cookie_1 == null,
    "res2 has cookie 'my_cookie_2'": (r) => r.json().cookies.my_cookie_2 !== null,
    'res2 cookie has correct value_2': (r) => r.json().cookies.my_cookie_2 == 'hello world_2',