Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.
Represents a DOM element matched by a Selection, and provides an API to inspect the element content.
Use Selection.get(index) to return an Element object.
The Element object provides a similar API to the DOM Element API to retrieve element information.
Method | Description |
nodeName | The name of the element. |
nodeType | The type of the element. |
nodeValue | The element value. |
id | The id of the element. |
innerHTML | Is a DOMString representing the markup of the element’s content. |
textContent | The element content. |
ownerDocument | Element |
attributes | An array of attributes. |
firstChild | Element |
lastChild | Element |
childElementCount | The number of children elements. |
firstElementChild | Element |
lastElementChild | Element |
previousSibling | Element |
nextSibling | Element |
previousElementSibling | Element |
nextElementSibling | Element |
parentElement | Element |
parentNode | Element |
childNodes | Array of Element |
children | Array of Element |
classList | An array of class names. |
className | The class name string |
lang | The value of the lang attribute. |
toString | The element string representation. |
hasAttribute | Boolean |
getAttribute | getAttributeNode |
hasAttributes | Boolean |
hasChildNodes | Boolean |
isSameNode | Boolean |
isEqualNode | Boolean |
getElementsByClassName | Return an array of Element. |
getElementsByTagName | Return an array of Element. |
querySelector | Returns the first Element which matches the specified selector string relative to the element |
querySelectorAll | Returns all the Element which matches the specified selector string relative to the element |
contains | |
matches | Returns a Boolean indicating whether or not the element would be selected by the specified selector string |
namespaceURI | The namespace URI of the element. |
isDefaultNamespace | Returns a Boolean indicating whether the element has the default namespace. |
Additionally, Element can provide more methods depending on the Element type.
AnchorElement: hash, host, hostname, port, username, password, origin, pathname, protocol, relist, search, text.
ButtonElement: form, formAction, formEnctype, formMethod, formNoValidate, formTarget, labels, name, value.
CanvasElement: width, height
DataListElement: options
FieldSetElement: elements, type, form
FormElement: elements, length, method
InputElement: form
LabelElement: control, form
LegendElement: form
LinkElement: relList
MapElement: areas, images
ObjectElement: form
OptionElement: disabled, form, index, label, text, value
OutputElement: value, labels
ProgressElement: max, value, position
ScriptElement: text
SelectElement: form, length, options, selectedOptions, selectedIndex, value
StyleElement: text
TableElement: caption, thead, tbody, tfoot, rows
TableCellElement: cellIndex, colSpan, rowSpan, headers
TableRowElement: cells, colSpan, sectionRowIndex, rowIndex
VideoElement: textTracks
TitleElement: text
import { parseHTML } from 'k6/html';
import { sleep } from 'k6';
export default function () {
const content = `
<dt id="term-1">Value term 1</dt>
<dt id="term-2">Value term 2</dt>
const sel = parseHTML(content).find('dl').children();
const el1 = sel.get(0);
const el2 = sel.get(1);
import { parseHTML } from 'k6/html';
import { sleep } from 'k6';
export default function () {
const content = `
\t<a href="" rel="prev next" target="_self" type="rare" accesskey="q" hreflang="en-US" media="print">6</a>
const el = parseHTML(content).find('a').get(0);