Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version .
WebSockets Here’s a load test for CrocoChat - a WebSocket chat API available on .
Multiple VUs join a chat room and discuss various things for up to 1 minute, after which they disconnect.
Each VU receives messages sent by all chat participants.
Expand code
import { randomString, randomIntBetween } from '' ;
import ws from 'k6/ws' ;
import { check, sleep } from 'k6' ;
const sessionDuration = randomIntBetween ( 10000 , 60000 ) ;
const chatRoomName = 'publicRoom' ;
export const options = {
vus : 10 ,
iterations : 10 ,
} ;
export default function ( ) {
const url = ` wss:// ${ chatRoomName} / ` ;
const params = { tags : { my_tag : 'my ws session' } } ;
const res = ws. connect ( url, params, function ( socket ) {
socket. on ( 'open' , function open ( ) {
console. log ( ` VU ${ __VU} : connected ` ) ;
socket. send ( JSON . stringify ( { event : 'SET_NAME' , new_name : ` Croc ${ __VU} ` } ) ) ;
socket. setInterval ( function timeout ( ) {
socket. send ( JSON . stringify ( { event : 'SAY' , message : ` I'm saying ${ randomString ( 5 ) } ` } ) ) ;
} , randomIntBetween ( 2000 , 8000 ) ) ;
} ) ;
socket. on ( 'ping' , function ( ) {
console. log ( 'PING!' ) ;
} ) ;
socket. on ( 'pong' , function ( ) {
console. log ( 'PONG!' ) ;
} ) ;
socket. on ( 'close' , function ( ) {
console. log ( ` VU ${ __VU} : disconnected ` ) ;
} ) ;
socket. on ( 'message' , function ( message ) {
const msg = JSON . parse ( message) ;
if ( msg. event === 'CHAT_MSG' ) {
console. log ( ` VU ${ __VU} received: ${ msg. user} says: ${ msg. message} ` ) ;
} else if ( msg. event === 'ERROR' ) {
console. error ( ` VU ${ __VU} received:: ${ msg. message} ` ) ;
} else {
console. log ( ` VU ${ __VU} received unhandled message: ${ msg. message} ` ) ;
} ) ;
socket. setTimeout ( function ( ) {
console. log ( ` VU ${ __VU} : ${ sessionDuration} ms passed, leaving the chat ` ) ;
socket. send ( JSON . stringify ( { event : 'LEAVE' } ) ) ;
} , sessionDuration) ;
socket. setTimeout ( function ( ) {
console. log ( ` Closing the socket forcefully 3s after graceful LEAVE ` ) ;
socket. close ( ) ;
} , sessionDuration + 3000 ) ;
} ) ;
check ( res, { 'Connected successfully' : ( r ) => r && r. status === 101 } ) ;