Add or remove a user from a team

Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

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Add or remove a user from a team

This page explains how to add or remove users from teams in Grafana.

Add a user to a team

  1. In the sidebar, hover your mouse over the Configuration (gear) icon and then click Teams.
  2. Click the team you want to add the user to.
  3. Click Add member.
  4. In the Add team member box, select the user you want to add to the team.
  5. Click Add to team.

Remove a user from a team

  1. In the sidebar, hover your mouse over the Configuration (gear) icon and then click Teams.
  2. Click the team you want to remove the user from.
  3. Click X to the right of the user’s name.
  4. Click Delete to confirm.