Grafana Cloud Enterprise Open source

Configure the MQTT notifier for Alerting

Use the Grafana Alerting - MQTT integration to send notifications to an MQTT broker when your alerts are firing.


To configure the MQTT integration for Alerting, complete the following steps.

  1. In the left-side menu, click Alerts & IRM and then Alerting.

  2. On the Contact Points tab, click + Add contact point.

  3. Enter a descriptive name for the contact point.

  4. From the Integration list, select MQTT.

  5. Enter your broker URL in the Broker URL field. Supports tcp, ssl, mqtt, mqtts, ws, wss schemes. For example: tcp://

  6. Enter the MQTT topic name in the Topic field.

  7. In Optional MQTT settings, specify additional settings for the MQTT integration if needed.

  8. Click Test to check that your integration works.

    ** For Grafana Alertmanager only.**

    A test alert notification should be sent to the MQTT broker.

  9. Click Save contact point.

The integration sends data in JSON format by default. You can change that using Message format field in the Optional MQTT settings section. There are two supported formats:

  • JSON: Sends the alert notification in JSON format.
  • Text: Sends the rendered alert notification message in plain text format.

MQTT JSON payload

If the JSON message format is selected in Optional MQTT settings, the payload is sent in the following structure.

  "receiver": "My MQTT integration",
  "status": "firing",
  "orgId": 1,
  "alerts": [
      "status": "firing",
      "labels": {
        "alertname": "High memory usage",
        "team": "blue",
        "zone": "us-1"
      "annotations": {
        "description": "The system has high memory usage",
        "runbook_url": "",
        "summary": "This alert was triggered for zone us-1"
      "startsAt": "2021-10-12T09:51:03.157076+02:00",
      "endsAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "generatorURL": "",
      "fingerprint": "c6eadffa33fcdf37",
      "silenceURL": "",
      "dashboardURL": "",
      "panelURL": "",
      "values": {
        "B": 44.23943737541908,
        "C": 1
      "status": "firing",
      "labels": {
        "alertname": "High CPU usage",
        "team": "blue",
        "zone": "eu-1"
      "annotations": {
        "description": "The system has high CPU usage",
        "runbook_url": "",
        "summary": "This alert was triggered for zone eu-1"
      "startsAt": "2021-10-12T09:56:03.157076+02:00",
      "endsAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "generatorURL": "",
      "fingerprint": "bc97ff14869b13e3",
      "silenceURL": "",
      "dashboardURL": "",
      "panelURL": "",
      "values": {
        "B": 44.23943737541908,
        "C": 1
  "groupLabels": {},
  "commonLabels": {
    "team": "blue"
  "commonAnnotations": {},
  "externalURL": "",
  "version": "1",
  "groupKey": "{}:{}",
  "message": "**Firing**\n\nLabels:\n - alertname = T2\n - team = blue\n - zone = us-1\nAnnotations:\n - description = This is the alert rule checking the second system\n - runbook_url =\n - summary = This is my summary\nSource:\nSilence:\n\nLabels:\n - alertname = T1\n - team = blue\n - zone = eu-1\nAnnotations:\nSource:\nSilence:\n"

Payload fields

Each notification payload contains the following fields.

receiverstringName of the contact point
statusstringCurrent status of the alert, firing or resolved
orgIdnumberID of the organization related to the payload
alertsarray of alert instancesAlerts that are triggering
groupLabelsobjectLabels that are used for grouping, map of string keys to string values
commonLabelsobjectLabels that all alarms have in common, map of string keys to string values
commonAnnotationsobjectAnnotations that all alarms have in common, map of string keys to string values
externalURLstringExternal URL to the Grafana instance sending this webhook
versionstringVersion of the payload
groupKeystringKey that is used for grouping
messagestringRendered message of the alerts

Alert instance

Each alert instance in the alerts array has the following fields.

statusstringCurrent status of the alert, firing or resolved
labelsobjectLabels that are part of this alert, map of string keys to string values
annotationsobjectAnnotations that are part of this alert, map of string keys to string values
startsAtstringStart time of the alert
endsAtstringEnd time of the alert, default value when not resolved is 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z
valuesobjectValues that triggered the current status
generatorURLstringURL of the alert rule in the Grafana UI
fingerprintstringThe labels fingerprint, alarms with the same labels will have the same fingerprint
silenceURLstringURL to silence the alert rule in the Grafana UI
dashboardURLstringDeprecated. It will be removed in a future release.
panelURLstringDeprecated. It will be removed in a future release.
imageURLstringURL of a screenshot of a panel assigned to the rule that created this notification


Alert rules are not coupled to dashboards anymore. The fields related to dashboards dashboardId and panelId have been removed.