
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Grafana Cloud Enterprise Open source

Configure Okta OIDC authentication

There are numerous authentication methods available in Grafana to verify user identity. The authentication configuration dictates which users can access Grafana and the methods they can use for logging in. You can also configure Grafana to automatically update users’ roles and team memberships in Grafana based on the information returned by the auth provider integration.

When deciding on an authentication method, it’s important to take into account your current identity and access management system as well as the specific authentication and authorization features you require. For a complete list of the available authentication options and the features they support, refer to Configure authentication.

Before you begin

To follow this guide:

  • Ensure that you have access to the Grafana configuration file.
  • Ensure you have permissions in your Okta workspace to create an OIDC app.


To integrate your Okta OIDC provider with Grafana using our Okta OIDC integration, follow these steps:

  1. Follow the OIDC app integration guide to reach the OIDC new application configuration wizard.

  2. Select OIDC - OpenID Connect as the sign-in method and Single-Page Application.

  3. Select Authorization Code and Refresh Token as the grant types.

  4. Set the Sign-in redirect URI to http://<my_grafana_server_name_or_ip>:<grafana_server_port>/login/okta.

    Ensure that the sign-in redirect URI is the complete HTTP address that you use to access Grafana via your browser, but with the appended path of /login/okta.

    For the sign-in redirect URI to be correct, it might be necessary to set the root_url option to [server], for example, if you are serving Grafana behind a proxy.

  5. Set the Sign-out redirect URI to http://<my_grafana_server_name_or_ip>:<grafana_server_port>/logout.

  6. Refer to the following table to update field values located in the [auth.okta] section of the Grafana configuration file:

    client_idThese values must match the client ID from your Okta OIDC app.
    auth_urlThe authorization endpoint of your OIDC provider. https://<okta-tenant-id>
    token_urlThe token endpoint of your Okta OIDC provider. https://<okta-tenant-id>
    api_urlThe user information endpoint of your Okta OIDC provider. https://<tenant-id>
    enabledEnables Okta OIDC authentication. Set this value to true.
  7. Review the list of other Okta OIDC configuration options and complete them as necessary.

  8. Optional: Configure a refresh token:

    a. Enable the accessTokenExpirationCheck feature toggle.

    b. Extend the scopes field of [auth.okta] section in Grafana configuration file with the refresh token scope used by your OIDC provider.

    c. Enable the refresh token at the Okta application settings.

  9. Configure role mapping.

  10. Optional: Configure team synchronization.

  11. Restart Grafana.

    You should now see a Okta OIDC login button on the login page and be able to log in or sign up with your OIDC provider.

The following is an example of a minimally functioning integration when configured with the instructions above:

name = Okta
icon = okta
enabled = true
allow_sign_up = true
client_id = 0oads6ziaaiiz4zz45d7
scopes = openid profile email offline_access
auth_url = https://<okta tenant id>
token_url = https://<okta tenant id>
api_url = https://<okta tenant id>
role_attribute_path = contains(groups[*], 'Example::DevOps') && 'Admin' || 'None'
role_attribute_strict = true
allowed_groups = "Example::DevOps" "Example::Dev" "Example::QA"

Configuration options

The following table outlines the various Okta OIDC configuration options. You can apply these options as environment variables, similar to any other configuration within Grafana.

enabledNoEnables Okta OIDC authentication.false
nameNoName that refers to the Okta OIDC authentication from the Grafana user interface.Okta
iconNoIcon used for the Okta OIDC authentication in the Grafana user interface.okta
client_idYesClient ID provided by your Okta OIDC app.
client_secretYesClient secret provided by your Okta OIDC app.
auth_urlYesAuthorization endpoint of your Okta OIDC provider.
token_urlYesEndpoint used to obtain the Okta OIDC access token.
api_urlYesEndpoint used to obtain user information.
scopesNoList of comma- or space-separated Okta OIDC scopes.openid profile email groups
allow_sign_upNoControls Grafana user creation through the Okta OIDC login. Only existing Grafana users can log in with Okta OIDC if set to false.true
auto_loginNoSet to true to enable users to bypass the login screen and automatically log in. This setting is ignored if you configure multiple auth providers to use auto-login.false
role_attribute_pathNoJMESPath expression to use for Grafana role lookup. Grafana will first evaluate the expression using the Okta OIDC ID token. If no role is found, the expression will be evaluated using the user information obtained from the UserInfo endpoint. The result of the evaluation should be a valid Grafana role (Viewer, Editor, Admin or GrafanaAdmin). For more information on user role mapping, refer to Configure role mapping.
role_attribute_strictNoSet to true to deny user login if the Grafana role cannot be extracted using role_attribute_path. For more information on user role mapping, refer to Configure role mapping.false
skip_org_role_syncNoSet to true to stop automatically syncing user roles. This will allow you to set organization roles for your users from within Grafana manually.false
allowed_groupsNoList of comma- or space-separated groups. The user should be a member of at least one group to log in.
allowed_domainsNoList comma- or space-separated domains. The user should belong to at least one domain to log in.
use_pkceNoSet to true to use Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE). Grafana uses the SHA256 based S256 challenge method and a 128 bytes (base64url encoded) code verifier.true
use_refresh_tokenNoSet to true to use refresh token and check access token expiration.false

Configure a refresh token

Available in Grafana v9.3 and later versions.

When a user logs in using an OAuth provider, Grafana verifies that the access token has not expired. When an access token expires, Grafana uses the provided refresh token (if any exists) to obtain a new access token without requiring the user to log in again.

If a refresh token doesn’t exist, Grafana logs the user out of the system after the access token has expired.

To enable the Refresh Token head over the Okta application settings and:

  1. Under General tab, find the General Settings section.
  2. Within the Grant Type options, enable the Refresh Token checkbox.

At the configuration file, extend the scopes in [auth.okta] section with offline_access.


The accessTokenExpirationCheck feature toggle has been removed in Grafana v10.3.0 and the use_refresh_token configuration value will be used instead for configuring refresh token fetching and access token expiration check.

Configure role mapping

Note: Unless skip_org_role_sync option is enabled, the user’s role will be set to the role retrieved from the auth provider upon user login.

The user’s role is retrieved using a JMESPath expression from the role_attribute_path configuration option against the api_url endpoint payload. To map the server administrator role, use the allow_assign_grafana_admin configuration option. Refer to configuration options for more information.

If no valid role is found, the user is assigned the role specified by the auto_assign_org_role option. You can disable this default role assignment by setting role_attribute_strict = true. This setting denies user access if no role or an invalid role is returned.

To learn about adding custom claims to the user info in Okta, refer to add custom claims. Refer to the generic OAuth page for JMESPath examples.

Configure team synchronization (Enterprise only)

Note: Available in Grafana Enterprise and Grafana Cloud.

By using Team Sync, you can link your Okta groups to teams within Grafana. This will automatically assign users to the appropriate teams.

Map your Okta groups to teams in Grafana so that your users will automatically be added to the correct teams.

Okta groups can be referenced by group names, like Admins or Editors.

To learn more about Team Sync, refer to Configure Team Sync.