Configure Azure AD OAuth2 authentication

Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Grafana Cloud Enterprise Open source

Configure Azure AD OAuth2 authentication

The Azure AD authentication allows you to use an Azure Active Directory tenant as an identity provider for Grafana. You can use Azure AD application roles to assign users and groups to Grafana roles from the Azure Portal.

Create the Azure AD application

To enable the Azure AD OAuth2, register your application with Azure AD.

  1. Log in to Azure Portal, then click Azure Active Directory in the side menu.

  2. If you have access to more than one tenant, select your account in the upper right. Set your session to the Azure AD tenant you wish to use.

  3. Under Manage in the side menu, click App Registrations > New Registration. Enter a descriptive name.

  4. Under Redirect URI, select the app type Web.

  5. Add the following redirect URLs https://<grafana domain>/login/azuread and https://<grafana domain> then click Register. The app’s Overview page opens.

  6. Note the Application ID. This is the OAuth client ID.

  7. Click Endpoints from the top menu.

    • Note the OAuth 2.0 authorization endpoint (v2) URL. This is the authorization URL.
    • Note the OAuth 2.0 token endpoint (v2). This is the token URL.
  8. Click Certificates & secrets, then add a new entry under Client secrets with the following configuration.

    • Description: Grafana OAuth
    • Expires: Never
  9. Click Add then copy the key value. This is the OAuth client secret.

  10. Define the required application roles for Grafana using the Azure Portal or using the manifest file.

  11. Go to Azure Active Directory and then to Enterprise Applications.

  12. Search for your application and click it.

  13. Click Users and Groups.

  14. Click Add user/group to add a user or group to the Grafana roles.

Configure application roles for Grafana in the Azure Portal

This section describes setting up basic application roles for Grafana within the Azure Portal. For more information, see Add app roles to your application and receive them in the token.

  1. Go to App Registrations, search for your application, and click it.

  2. Click App roles and then Create app role.

  3. Define a role corresponding to each Grafana role: Viewer, Editor, and Admin.

    1. Choose a Display name for the role. For example, “Grafana Editor”.

    2. Set the Allowed member types to Users/Groups.

    3. Ensure that the Value field matches the Grafana role name. For example, “Editor”.

    4. Choose a Description for the role. For example, “Grafana Editor Users”.

    5. Click Apply.

Configure application roles for Grafana in the manifest file

If you prefer to configure the application roles for Grafana in the manifest file, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to App Registrations, search for your application, and click it.

  2. Click Manifest and then click Edit.

  3. Add a Universally Unique Identifier to each role.


Every role requires a Universally Unique Identifier which you can generate on Linux with uuidgen, and on Windows through Microsoft PowerShell with New-Guid.

  1. Replace each “SOME_UNIQUE_ID” with the generated ID in the manifest file:

    	"appRoles": [
    				"allowedMemberTypes": [
    				"description": "Grafana org admin Users",
    				"displayName": "Grafana Org Admin",
    				"id": "SOME_UNIQUE_ID",
    				"isEnabled": true,
    				"lang": null,
    				"origin": "Application",
    				"value": "Admin"
    				"allowedMemberTypes": [
    				"description": "Grafana read only Users",
    				"displayName": "Grafana Viewer",
    				"id": "SOME_UNIQUE_ID",
    				"isEnabled": true,
    				"lang": null,
    				"origin": "Application",
    				"value": "Viewer"
    				"allowedMemberTypes": [
    				"description": "Grafana Editor Users",
    				"displayName": "Grafana Editor",
    				"id": "SOME_UNIQUE_ID",
    				"isEnabled": true,
    				"lang": null,
    				"origin": "Application",
    				"value": "Editor"
  2. Click Save.

Assign server administrator privileges

Available in Grafana v9.2 and later versions.

If the application role received by Grafana is GrafanaAdmin, Grafana grants the user server administrator privileges.
This is useful if you want to grant server administrator privileges to a subset of users.
Grafana also assigns the user the Admin role of the default organization.

The setting allow_assign_grafana_admin under [auth.azuread] must be set to true for this to work.
If the setting is set to false, the user is assigned the role of Admin of the default organization, but not server administrator privileges.

  "allowedMemberTypes": ["User"],
  "description": "Grafana server admin Users",
  "displayName": "Grafana Server Admin",
  "id": "SOME_UNIQUE_ID",
  "isEnabled": true,
  "lang": null,
  "origin": "Application",
  "value": "GrafanaAdmin"

Enable Azure AD OAuth in Grafana

Add the following to the Grafana configuration file:

name = Azure AD
enabled = true
allow_sign_up = true
auto_login = false
client_id = APPLICATION_ID
client_secret = CLIENT_SECRET
scopes = openid email profile
auth_url =
token_url =
allowed_domains =
allowed_groups =
allowed_organizations = TENANT_ID
role_attribute_strict = false
allow_assign_grafana_admin = false
skip_org_role_sync = false
use_pkce = true

You can also use these environment variables to configure client_id and client_secret:



Verify that the Grafana root_url is set in your Azure Application Redirect URLs.

Configure refresh token

Available in Grafana v9.3 and later versions.

When a user logs in using an OAuth provider, Grafana verifies that the access token has not expired. When an access token expires, Grafana uses the provided refresh token (if any exists) to obtain a new access token.

Grafana uses a refresh token to obtain a new access token without requiring the user to log in again. If a refresh token doesn’t exist, Grafana logs the user out of the system after the access token has expired.

Refresh token fetching and access token expiration check is enabled by default for the AzureAD provider since Grafana v10.1.0. If you would like to disable access token expiration check then set the use_refresh_token configuration value to false.

Note: The accessTokenExpirationCheck feature toggle has been removed in Grafana v10.3.0 and the use_refresh_token configuration value will be used instead for configuring refresh token fetching and access token expiration check.

Configure allowed tenants

To limit access to authenticated users who are members of one or more tenants, set allowed_organizations to a comma- or space-separated list of tenant IDs. You can find tenant IDs on the Azure portal under Azure Active Directory -> Overview.

Make sure to include the tenant IDs of all the federated Users’ root directory if your Azure AD contains external identities.

For example, if you want to only give access to members of the tenant example with an ID of 8bab1c86-8fba-33e5-2089-1d1c80ec267d, then set the following:

allowed_organizations = 8bab1c86-8fba-33e5-2089-1d1c80ec267d

Configure allowed groups

Azure AD groups can be used to limit user access to Grafana. For more information about managing groups in Azure AD, refer to Manage Microsoft Entra groups and group membership.

To limit access to authenticated users who are members of one or more AzureAD groups, set allowed_groups to a comma- or space-separated list of group object IDs.

  1. To find object IDs for a specific group on the Azure portal, go to Azure Active Directory > Groups.

    You can find the Object Id of a group by clicking on the group and then clicking on Properties. The object ID is listed under Object ID. If you want to only give access to members of the group example with an Object Id of 8bab1c86-8fba-33e5-2089-1d1c80ec267d, then set the following:

      allowed_groups = 8bab1c86-8fba-33e5-2089-1d1c80ec267d
  2. You must enable adding the group attribute to the tokens in your Azure AD App registration either from the Azure Portal or from the manifest file.

Configure group membership claims on the Azure Portal

To ensure that the groups claim is included in the token, add the groups claim to the token configuration either through the Azure Portal UI or by editing the manifest file.

To configure group membership claims from the Azure Portal UI, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the App Registrations page and select your application.
  2. Select Token configuration.
  3. Click Add groups claim and select the relevant option for your use case (for example, Security groups and Groups assigned to the application).

For more information, see Configure groups optional claims.


If the user is a member of more than 200 groups, Azure AD does not emit the groups claim in the token and instead emits a group overage claim. To set up a group overage claim, see Users with over 200 Group assignments.

Configure group membership claim in the manifest file

  1. Go to App Registrations, search for your application, and click it.

  2. Click Manifest and then click Edit.

  3. Add the following to the root of the manifest file:

    "groupMembershipClaims": "ApplicationGroup, SecurityGroup"

Configure allowed domains

The allowed_domains option limits access to users who belong to specific domains. Separate domains with space or comma. For example,

allowed_domains =


IETF’s RFC 7636 introduces “proof key for code exchange” (PKCE) which provides additional protection against some forms of authorization code interception attacks. PKCE will be required in OAuth 2.1.

You can disable PKCE in Grafana by setting use_pkce to false in the[auth.azuread] section.

Configure automatic login

To bypass the login screen and log in automatically, enable the “auto_login” feature. This setting is ignored if multiple auth providers are configured to use auto login.

auto_login = true

Team Sync (Enterprise only)

With Team Sync you can map your Azure AD groups to teams in Grafana so that your users will automatically be added to the correct teams.

You can reference Azure AD groups by group object ID, like 8bab1c86-8fba-33e5-2089-1d1c80ec267d.

To learn more, refer to the Team Sync documentation.

Common troubleshooting

Here are some common issues and particulars you can run into when configuring Azure AD authentication in Grafana.

Users with over 200 Group assignments

Supported in Grafana v8.5 and later versions.

To ensure that the token size doesn’t exceed HTTP header size limits, Azure AD limits the number of object IDs that it includes in the groups claim. If a user is member of more groups than the overage limit (200), then Azure AD does not emit the groups claim in the token and emits a group overage claim instead.

More information in Groups overage claim

If Grafana receives a token with a group overage claim instead of a groups claim, Grafana attempts to retrieve the user’s group membership by calling the included endpoint.


The ‘App registration’ must include the GroupMember.Read.All API permission for group overage claim calls to succeed.

Admin consent might be required for this permission.

Configure the required Graph API permissions

  1. Navigate to Azure Active Directory > App registrations and select your application.
  2. Select API permissions and then click on Add a permission.
  3. Select Microsoft Graph from the list of APIs.
  4. Select Delegated permissions.
  5. Under the GroupMember section, select GroupMember.Read.All.
  6. Click Add permissions.


Admin consent may be required for this permission.

Force fetching groups from Microsoft graph API

To force fetching groups from Microsoft Graph API instead of the id_token. You can use the force_use_graph_api config option.

force_use_graph_api = true

Map roles

By default, Azure AD authentication will map users to organization roles based on the most privileged application role assigned to the user in AzureAD.

If no application role is found, the user is assigned the role specified by the auto_assign_org_role option. You can disable this default role assignment by setting role_attribute_strict = true. It denies user access if no role or an invalid role is returned.

On every login the user organization role will be reset to match AzureAD’s application role and their organization membership will be reset to the default organization.

Skip organization role sync

If Azure AD authentication is not intended to sync user roles and organization membership and prevent the sync of org roles from AzureAD, set skip_org_role_sync to true. This is useful if you want to manage the organization roles for your users from within Grafana or that your organization roles are synced from another provider. See Configure Grafana for more details.

# ..
# prevents the sync of org roles from AzureAD
skip_org_role_sync = true