Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.
Network metrics is an experimental under development feature, expect breaking changes.
Network metrics
Grafana Beyla can be configured to provide network metrics between different endpoints. For example, between physical nodes, containers, Kubernetes pods, services, etc., if it is exported via OpenTelemetry.
beyla_network_flow_bytes_total, if it is exported by a Prometheus endpoint.
The metric represents a counter of the Number of bytes observed between two network endpoints, and can have the attributes in the following table.
By default, only the following attributes are reported:, k8s.src.namespace,, k8s.dst.namespace, and
Attribute name (OpenTelemetry / Prometheus)
beyla.ip / beyla_ip
Local IP address of the Beyla instance that emitted the metric
L4 Transport protocol (for example, TCP or UDP)
src.address / src_address
Source IP address of Network flow
dst.address / dst_address
Destination IP address of Network flow
src.port / src_port
Source port of Network flow
dst.port / dst_port
Destination port of Network flow / src_name
Name of Network flow source: Kubernetes name, host name, or IP address / dst_name
Name of Network flow destination: Kubernetes name, host name, or IP address
Kubernetes namespace of the destination of the flow / k8s_src_name
Name of the source Pod, Service, or Node / k8s_dst_name
Name of the destination Pod, Service, or Node
k8s.src.type / k8s_src_type
Type of the source: Pod, Node, or Service
k8s.dst.type / k8s_dst_type
Type of the destination: Pod, Node, or Service / k8s_src_owner_name
Name of the owner of the source Pod. If there is no owner, the Pod name is used / k8s_dst_owner_name
Name of the owner of the destination Pod. If there is no owner, the Pod name is used
k8s.src.owner.type / k8s_src_owner_type
Type of the owner of the source Pod: Deployment, DaemonSet, ReplicaSet, StatefulSet, or Pod if there is no owner
k8s.dst.owner.type / k8s_dst_owner_type
Type of the owner of the destination Pod: Deployment, DaemonSet, ReplicaSet, StatefulSet, or Pod if there is no owner
k8s.src.node.ip / k8s_src_node_ip
IP address of the source Node
k8s.dst.node.ip / k8s_dst_node_ip
IP address of the destination Node / k8s_src.node_name
Name of the source Node / k8s_dst.node_name
Name of the destination Node / k8s_cluster_name
Name of the Kubernetes cluster. Beyla can auto-detect it on Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and Amazon Web Services. For other providers, set the BEYLA_KUBE_CLUSTER_NAME property
How to specify reported attributes
If the metric with all the possible attributes is reported it might lead to a cardinality explosion, especially when including external traffic in the src.address/dst.address attributes.
You can specify which attributes are allowed in the Beyla configuration, to aggregate the metric by them.
In this example, the bytes metric is the aggregated by the source and destination owners. This is, all the
pods from a given Deployment/StatefulSet/ReplicaSet/DaemonSet.