Docker Swarm Dashboard
Docker Swarm Cluster Dashboard
docker network create –driver overlay monitoring
echo “Creating the [influxdb] service”
docker service create
–network monitoring
echo “Creating the [cadvisor] service”
docker service create
–network monitoring
–name cadvisor
–mode global
–mount type=bind,source=/var/run,target=/var/run,readonly=false
–mount type=bind,source=/,target=/rootfs,readonly=true
–mount type=bind,source=/sys,target=/sys,readonly=true
–mount type=bind,source=/var/lib/docker,target=/var/lib/docker,readonly=true
google/cadvisor -storage_driver=influxdb -storage_driver_host=influxdb:8086
echo “Creating the [grafana] service”
docker service create
–network monitoring
–name grafana grafana/grafana
Data source config
Collector config:
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