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Profiling in Ruby with Grafana Pyroscope's RubyGem

Profiling in Ruby with Grafana Pyroscope's RubyGem

2021-10-04 5 min

This post was originally published on Grafana Labs acquired Pyroscope in 2023.

gif of rubygem profiling architecture for ride share example

In this blog, you will learn how to perform continuous profiling in Ruby with the Grafana Pyroscope RubyGem feature. For more information on the Pyroscope RubyGem, please see our Ruby documentation


In this example we show a simplified, basic use case of Pyroscope. We simulate a “ride share” company that has three endpoints found in server.rb:

  • /bike : calls the order_bike(search_radius) function to order a bike
  • /car : calls the order_car(search_radius) function to order a car
  • /scooter : calls the order_scooter(search_radius) function to order a scooter

We also simulate running three distinct servers in three different regions (via docker-compose.yml)

  • us-east-1
  • us-west-1
  • eu-west-1

One of the most useful capabilities of Pyroscope is the ability to tag your data in a way that is meaningful to you. In this case, we have two natural divisions, and so we “tag” our data to represent those:

  • region: statically tags the region of the server running the code
  • vehicle: dynamically tags the endpoint (similar to how one might tag a controller rails)

Tagging static region

Tagging something static, like the region, can be done in the initialization code in the config.tags variable:

require "pyroscope"
Pyroscope.configure do |config|
  config.app_name = "ride-sharing-app"
  config.server_address = "http://pyroscope:4040"
  config.tags = {
    "region": ENV["REGION"],                     # Tags the region based of the environment variable

Tagging dynamically within functions

Tagging something more dynamically, like we do for the vehicle tag, can be done inside our utility find_nearest_vehicle() function using a Pyroscope.tag_wrapper block.

def find_nearest_vehicle(n, vehicle)
  Pyroscope.tag_wrapper({ "vehicle" => vehicle }) do
    ...code to find nearest vehicle

What this block does is:

1. Add the tag `{ "vehicle" => "car" }`
2. Execute the `find_nearest_vehicle()` function
3. Before the block ends, it will remove the `{ "vehicle" => "car" }` from the application behind the scenes since that block is complete

Resulting flame graph and performance results

Running the example

To run the example, run the following commands:

# Pull latest pyroscope image:
docker pull pyroscope/pyroscope:latest

# Run the example project:
docker-compose up --build

# Reset the database (if needed):
# docker-compose down

What this example will do is run all the code mentioned above and also send some mock load to the three servers as well as their respective three endpoints. If you select our application: ride-sharing-app.cpu from the drop-down menu, you should see a flame graph that looks like this. After we give 20-30 seconds for the flame graph to update and then click the refresh button we see our three functions at the bottom of the flame graph taking CPU resources proportional to the size of their respective search_radius parameters.

Where’s the performance bottleneck?

Flame graph showing performance bottleneck UI in Grafana Pyroscope

The first step when analyzing a profile from your application is to take note of the largest node, which is where your application is spending the most resources. In this case, it happens to be the order_car function.

The benefit of using the Pyroscope package, is that now that we can investigate further as to why the order_car() function is problematic. Tagging both region and vehicle allows us to test two good hypotheses:

  • Something is wrong with the /car endpoint code
  • Something is wrong with one of our regions

To analyze this, we can select one or more tags from the Select Tag drop-down menu:

Select tag UI in Grafana Pyroscope UI

Narrowing in on the issue using tags

Knowing there is an issue with the order_car() function, we automatically select that tag. Then, after inspecting multiple region tags, it becomes clear by looking at the timeline that there is an issue with the us-west-1 region, where it alternates between high-cpu times and low-cpu times.

We can also see that the mutex_lock() function is consuming almost 70% of CPU resources during this time period.

Debugging UI in Grafana Pyroscope

Comparing two time periods

Using Pyroscope’s “comparison view” we can actually select two different time ranges from the timeline to compare the resulting flame graphs. The pink section on the left timeline results in the left flame graph and the blue section on the right represents the right flame graph.

When we select a period of low cpu utilization and a period of high cpu utilization, we can see that there is clearly different behavior in the mutex_lock() function where it takes 23% of CPU during low cpu times and 70% of CPU during high cpu times.

Comparison view of different time periods in Grafana Pyroscope

Visualizing differences between two flame graphs

While the difference in this case is stark enough to see in the comparison view, sometimes the difference between the two flame graphs is better visualized with them overlaid each other. Without changing any parameters, we can simply select the Diff view tab and see the difference represented in a color-coded diff flame graph.

Diff view in a flame graph in Grafana Pyroscope

More use cases

We have been beta testing this feature with several different companies and here are some of the ways that we’ve seen companies tag their performance data:

  • Tagging controllers
  • Tagging regions
  • Tagging jobs from a redis or sidekiq queue
  • Tagging commits
  • Tagging staging / production environments
  • Tagging different parts of their testing suites

Future roadmap

We would love for you to try out this example and see what ways you can adapt this to your ruby application. Continuous profiling has become an increasingly popular tool for the monitoring and debugging of performance issues (arguably the fourth pillar of observability).

We’d love to continue to improve this gem by adding things like integrations with popular tools, memory profiling, etc. and we would love to hear what features you would like to see.

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